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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

HCAU Profile: Brendan

This is the one you’ve been waiting for with bated breath we’re sure. This week our president questioned her boyfriend and honorary member of HCAU, so that everyone out there could find out a little bit more about Brendan, his likes and dislikes, his opinion of Her Campus, and what it’s really like dating the “dating blogger” Tamarra.

Name: Brendan Clark

Age: 21

Occupation: Mercedes Benz Mechanic

HC: So, Brendan, tell us a little bit about yourself. What does an average day in the life of Brendan Clark entail?

BC: A lot of working, then trying my hardest to spend some time with my 13-year-old brother, or playing football, or hanging out with Tamarra. You could say I do a lot of juggling in a day.

HC: Ah, you must have something a bit more exciting in there… what would you say are your main interests and hobbies?

BC: Big football fan over here, I’ve been a season ticket holder for Aberdeen FC from the age of nine. I actually used to be quite a killa’ at chess, and all chess related activities. I was the under 16’s chess champion (lol). As well as all of that, I love a movie, although after being blind-sighted and tricked to go see The Greatest Showman (with HC lovelies Tamarra and Kitty) it’s safe to say that musicals are not my jam.

HC: Haha, well, we enjoyed it anyway! Did you know anything about Her Campus before meeting Tamarra? What could you tell us about it now after having a little bit of an insight?

BC: No, I didn’t, but I think that might be because I never went to uni. I heard about HCAU on the first night I met Tamarra. I think it’s a really funny gals group that produce crackin’ articles covering all aspects of life. I wish I was a gal so I could attend your guys’ social- the best thing about girl’s night out is the planning that goes into it.

HC: You’re very welcome to join us! Did you ever consider going to uni? What did you think about studying?

BC: Yeah of course! I didn’t go to uni because an opportunity to study at Mercedes Benz School came up. I might have studied History, I know that’s what my mum wanted me to do, but hey you never know in the future! Going out on Mondays and Wednesdays (and Thursdays and Tuesdays) is something I could get on board with though.

HC: Haha, true! Who doesn’t love a Skite Wednesday? Now, the HCAU gals already know a lot about Tamarra, but they have no idea what it’s like dating her. Her articles can be pretty critical of what not to do and say on dates. Did you feel the pressure when you first started dating? Tell us about it!

BC: Yeah I did, most certainly did feel the pressure. Here’s a quick recap of our 1st date: 1) taxi, the taxi I ordered to Tamarra’s flat came in a huge, old, rickety van driven by someone too annoying to describe- it was my worst nightmare 2) speaking to her in the restaurant: I, for some reason treated her like someone I’d never met before and asked weird questions like ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years’ as though I’d been googling dating tips (cringe!) 3) tamarra doesn’t have time for questions or conversations that she isn’t interested in, if she doesn’t want to do it she won’t. So yeah I guess I felt a little pressure!

HC: Let the HC gals in on a secret here, is there anything you know about Tamarra that others maybe wouldn’t expect or haven’t heard before?

BC: If you don’t eat every single morsel of the food that Tamarra makes you followed by a stream of compliments letting her know it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted, then expect serious backlash. The mood could last hours.

HC: Let’s get a little deeper, is there any advice you could give to our HCAU gals struggling to find a guy? You’re all so confusing, break it down for us!

BC: Guys are easy. Guys want stability, someone they can trust, someone they can do things with, a cutie by their side, and someone to be proud of. In terms of dating: be open to any activities and be confident about what YOU want.

Quick Fire Round:

HC: What do you think about horoscopes: Written in the stars or a load of rubbish?

BC: Not for me

HC: True love at first sight or slow burners?

BC: Emm, 1st sight, but don’t rush and ruin. You don’t need to get with anyone on the 1st date. I like to have a friend first then just relax and see what happens.

HC: Aww cute! Ideal date?

BC: 1 v 1 chess battle, that was a joke by the way…

HC: Lol, super casual and comfy or totally glammed up and sassy?

BC: Want to have my finest gear on, what’s the male version of glammed up?

HC: And last but not least, HCAU profiles: love them or hate them?

BC: They’re up there.

And there you have it ladies! A little bit more of an insight into the leading guy of Her Campus Aberdeen. Thanks Brendan for chatting with us- we know it can be a little daunting!


All Photos Tamarra’s Own