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Confessions of a Sweetaholic!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Being an addict to anything is not easy: Netflix, alcohol, PlayStation – take your pick. Butunfortunately for me, my ultimate weakness is sweeties. Not just any sweets though; for me, somewhat a sweetie connoisseur, I know the best ones and where to get them. What comes with this is the need to trek far and wide just to get the ones that I really want. I envy those who can go their closest shop and just choose a packet of fruit pastels.

For me, it’s all about the pick and mix. So much variety, so many choices and you don’t need to have two of the same thing if you don’t want to! Dreams came true for me in the summer when I visited Barcelona and found this stall at the market. Not even kidding, just  looking at the picture reminds me of the pure joy. However, considering I cannot just hop on a Ryanair flight to Barcelona everything my craving needs satisfied, I have to make do with the sweets here. B and M (at kittybrewster retail park) have a very wide selection in their pick and mix and for only £1.99 it is very good value for money.

Started a young age, I used to have a treat every Friday and since then, nothing can stop me. I have been known to purchase up to 30 DipDabs in one go just to satisfy me. That was back before they changed the packaging however, since they did this the flavour sadly just hasn’t quite been the same.

One fateful day in March while in a Legal Theory lecture, I made a rash decision to purchase 1 kilogram worth of fizzy watermelons and for only £8.75. It was a bit of a bargain if I do say so myself. I regret nothing about this decision.

It’s not all fun and games though… As my mother often tells me “Your teeth are going to fall out!” These sugary treats makes me a dentist’s worst nightmare and I dread every single time I have to go. Having said that, my teeth are in surprisingly good shape considering. As sad as this may be, I feel extreme anxiety when I don’t have any sort of sweets in my possession, whether that’s in my room or in my handbag. No matter what time of day or where we are, I will always been your sweetie gal. Although, I’m not big on sharing (depends where I got them from).

And there you have it, my confessions to my sickness. How I can’t go a day without sweets and my teeth will probably be rotting my time 25 but it’s all in the name of sweets and that’s a-okay with me.


Hi, I'm Rachel! I am currently pursuing a degree in English and Politics at UofA, graduating in 2016. I love all things pink, sparkly and pug related. Proud to be President and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Aberdeen.