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Campus Cutie – Mr. David Healy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Name: David Healy

Age: 19

Year of Uni: 2nd

Home Town: Broughty Ferry

Subject: Economics

HC: What is your sense of style?

David: Smart but casual, such as brogues and oxford shirts– vintage. I am a big fan of Proudlock from Made in Chelsea’s look. I would love to go edgy and quite hipster, but I don’t have the body shape or the personality for that!

HC: Describe your personality in a nutshell:

David: Ambitious, Flirtatious, Sociable, OCD, Sporty

HC: Are you attached/not attached?

David: Taken by a princess!

HC: What do you look for in a girl?

David: Someone who is innocent, cute and genuinely hilarious to be around. They have to have that little devilish princess look, too, though. I am a big fan of blondes but hey – brunettes, don’t count yourself out! Who doesn’t want a partner who makes you smile and laugh while wanting to be in bed with them constantly on your mind.

HC: What is your favourite place in Aberdeen?

David: ONLY ONE PLACE: Troperio. It does gorgeous Brazilian food with different meats and an amazing salad and side bar. It’s a buffet, too — not tacky, though! Cheap, classy and so tasty!

HC: What is your favourite pizza topping or ice cream flavour?

David: It has to be “Mighty Meaty” pizza — if you’re getting a pizza, why not go big? Favourite ice cream flavour is mmmmm probably Nutella. My hometown has the best ice cream parlour in Scotland. It’s called Visocchi’s — Google it honeys!

HC: Where do you see yourself in five years?

David: Where do I see myself? Or where do I want to be? I see myself in a financial office working long hours, but God, I don’t want to think that far ahead. If I could choose, I’d start my own clothing company.

HC: Who is your Celeb crush?

David: Svetlana Bilyalova, a model and actress from Moscow. She is an absolute gym goddess! Saying that some of the Victoria’s Secret ladies wouldn’t go amiss! Also, I am a big fan of Ryan Gosling — an aspiration and a definite man crush of mine!

HC: What is your favourite night out?

David: SKITE WEDNESDAY! Duh! Genuinely love a Wednesday in Liquid, but I also love a pub crawl with a theme. Pub crawls always create so many stories; tales, gossip and great outfits get especially when a theme’s attached! Everyone comes out of their shell!

HC: What is your best quality?

David: My best quality is probably confidence. If I wasn’t so confident, I wouldn’t be where I am today, with the people I am with, and I wouldn’t be living the life I love. I throw myself into things, at people and try everything. I don’t want any regrets — why be scared? If you don’t win, then pick yourself back up and try again (that’s what I say to myself after getting rejected eight times on the fifth floor of the library).

HC: What would you take with you to a desert island?

David: A plane. Then I could fly off it? Yeah, you didn’t see that one coming!

HC: What is your biggest turn-on/off?

David: Turn-on is definitely kissing my neck; a girl just has to touch my neck. Turn-off is definitely a little rich girl. I couldn’t care about your bank balance or your captaincy of the polo club. If your chat were any good, you’d have something more to say!

Currently a 3rd year undergraduate at the University of Aberdeen studying English Literature. And the President and Editor in Chief of Her Campus Aberdeen.
Hi, I'm Rachel! I am currently pursuing a degree in English and Politics at UofA, graduating in 2016. I love all things pink, sparkly and pug related. Proud to be President and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Aberdeen.