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10 Things You Will Only Know If You’re Part of a Whatsapp Group

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

At university, it is pretty much guaranteed that you’re going to be involved in a number of  ‘Whatsapp’ group chats. There will be one for the girls on your course, one for your life-long school friends, one for any committees you’re part of and maybe even one for the crazy cat ladies in your life. These groups are both a blessing and a curse, but you’ll still always want to be a part of them! So I’ve laid out  10 things you will only know if you’re part of a ‘Whatsapp’ group

1)     You know everything about everyone. From what they ate for their post night out snack, to what they’re wearing, to any socials, to who pulled who last night. There is no escape! Don’t try and keep anything secret… we’ll just ask the ‘Whatsapp’ group.

2)     Your whole camera roll will become filled with memes you don’t understand, hangover snaps and the occasional porn… don’t ask. (You can turn this feature off in settings – I’m just too lazy)

3)     On a related note, you constantly have the fear of opening any media from your ‘Whatsapp’ group in public. You just don’t know what could be waiting for you…

4)     When you laugh in public and when someone asks ‘what’s funny?’, you reply saying ‘nothing just my ‘Whatsapp’ group’ but don’t elaborate as that stuff is TOP secret.


5)     After a night out, you’re prepared to wake up to 200+ messages and then force yourself to read said messages just in case you missed something important. You probably haven’t.

6)     The struggle of trying to type out a joke in time before five other people have messaged and changed the subject entirely, or got the joke in there first! (‘Whatsapp’ Web version is your best friend in this situation)

7)     The chat can spiral into anything. Literally. From voice notes of your favourite pizza to the Great Toast Debate (see photo – mines number 12 FYI).

8)     You look nowhere else (not even the books) for assignment help or the answer to the world’s greatest mysteries – the ‘Whatsapp’ group knows all.

9)     When you accidentally send something that’s meant for another chat. Multiple group chat problems.

10) You realise that trying to arrange socials for your ‘Whatsapp’ group is harder than giving birth, and you will forever wish you didn’t ask what day people are free. Every time.

The best thing about a ‘Whatsapp’ group though? Your friends are always around and you ain’t ever feeling lonely!

Shoutout to my ‘Whatsapp’ group, obviously, for their bants and wit in creating this list. You’re the real MVPs.

Laura Rennie is currently a fifth year Diploma in Legal Practice student at the University of Aberdeen. After four years studying in the Granite City she couldn't quite drag herself away from it so decided to stick around for one more year. Previously a features writer and secretary of Her Campus Aberdeen when it was founded, she is now very excited to be captaining the little pink ship this year. She loves cups of tea, fairy lights, musicals, trashy TV and is a blogger and member of Her Campus Blogger Network in her spare time.