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Need Rhyme Without Reason Costume Ideas For 3 People? I’ve Got You

Hi, my guys! (Do you see what I did there? Three rhymes? I actually think I’m so clever for that.) Are you going to a Rhyme Without Reason party sometime soon and want some creative costumes for a group of three? Well, you’re in luck because I’ve compiled a list of the most random Rhyme Without Reason costume ideas that I could come up with. I actually had to walk around Indigo Books and take inspiration from the stuff I saw, so that I could come up with these crazy rhyming costumes. 

If you aren’t familiar with what a Rhyme Without Reason party is, it’s basically dressing up in costumes that rhyme but don’t have any correlation to each other. For example: Airplane and Great Dane have nothing in common besides rhyming. The point of the party theme is to come in the most absurdly random costumes that rhyme. Usually, a couple will choose two rhyming words and go together. But what about if your group is made up of three people, and you all want to rhyme? If this is you and your friends, here are 10 Rhyme Without Reason costume ideas for three people to consider.

Rug, Thug, & Pug

Prepare to bark like a dog!

St. Mary, Blueberry, & Katy Perry

The goal is to be as blue as Violet from Willy Wonka.

Ghost, Talk Show Host, & Avocado Toast

Jimmy Fallon and Oprah stans, rise!

Bride, Gay Pride, & Clyde

Hey Alexa, play “Getaway Car” by Taylor Swift.

Mile High, Black Eye, & Cobra Kai

Whip out your old karate gear for this costume.

Mick Jagger, Green Bay Packer, & Overachieving bragger

This one is for all you Rory Gilmore or Paris Geller fans, who always wanted to go to Chilton.

Sherlock Holmes, Garden Gnome, & Monochrome

Whenever you think of gnomes, do you ever think of Gnomeo and Juliet?

Bella Swan, Big Sean, & Dawn (Dish soap)

Team Edward or Team Jacob? More like Team Big Sean.

Dorothy, Little Horsey, & Morty

Wubba lubba dub dub!

Taylor Swift, Tokyo Drift, & Forklift

Hopefully, you’ll be able to pick up some cute people at the party in your forklift costume.

Sabrina Bernard

Queen's U '25

Sabrina Bernard is a writer Her Campus' National Program. She writes lifestyle content on the site, including entertainment, news, and experiences. Beyond Her Campus, Sabrina is heavily involved at her university, where she is an Orientation Coordinator for the largest not-for-profit orientation in Canada, she is the Co-President of the English Department Student Council, and models for her university's Sustainable Fashion club. She also volunteers at the local Animal Shelter when she goes home. Sabrina is currently a junior at Queen's University, majoring in English Literature with a certificate in French. She has also been a panelist at several literary conferences for her works. In her free time, Sabrina enjoys reading, playing with her cat Poppy, and petting every cat she can find on the streets. She's also a huge Modern Family fan and has rewatched the series multiple times.