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7 Smartphone Apps to Keep You Organized This Semester

It’s Thursday night, and you’ve managed to finish all of your homework by 6 p.m. To reward yourself, you grab your favorite ice cream and settle down for a well-deserved Netflix binge session. All of a sudden, you get a text from your friend: “Where are you?” You’re about to reply that you’re living the dream when you remember that you are supposed to be at an interest meeting—oops!

It’s terrifying to suddenly realize that you have completely forgotten about an important assignment, exam or commitment. While you might not be able to commit to carrying around a planner, it is important to have some way of organizing your life. And what better to help you stay organized than something that you already have on you 24/7: your phone! Here are five apps that will (hopefully) reduce the number of college crises that you have this year.

1. Do it (Tomorrow)

$2.99 (App Store), Free (Google Play)

There is a saying that goes, “Never leave until tomorrow what you can do today.” But there’s a sufficient number of collegiettes who’d probably beg to differ. For those of us who would rather watch Netflix today and be productive tomorrow, Do it (Tomorrow) is a must-have app.

With this app, you can set reminders for yourself that aren’t time sensitive. That way, you have the advantage of having your week laid out in front of you without the stress of being in a time crunch. It is designed with a simple, virtual notebook layout that allows you to make a list of what you need to do today and tomorrow. The ability to easily check off completed tasks will leave you feeling accomplished. However, extreme procrastinators should make note that the name of the app is Do it (Tomorrow), not Do it (the Day After Tomorrow)!

2. Wunderlist

Free (Apple Store), Free (Google Play)

Whether you are making a list of things that you need (and probably a few that you don’t) from the grocery store or planning a weekend outing with your roommates, Wunderlist makes it easy to create personal and collaborative to-do lists.

With the ability to set reminders, you will always be in the know, and you’ll never miss another deadline. Group messages are not always the most efficient way to plan things, so this app is perfect if you are involved in any extracurricular activities that require you to communicate with a large group of people. “My Co-Campus Correspondent and I have started using Wunderlist because you can create collaborative to-do lists, and personal to-do lists, and update it in real time,” says Toni Marie Martini, a junior at Molloy College. Say hello to finally being able to exchange lists and make plans quickly!

3. Mint

Free (App Store), Free (Google Play)

Being a college student and being broke pretty much go hand-in-hand. However, even if your bank account doesn’t entirely make you want to crawl into a hole and never come out, being able to budget your finances is always a plus!

This app is easy to read and does a great job of helping you keep track of your money. It gives you updates on how much you’ve been spending and will let you know if you are spending a little bit too much money at Chipotle (as if that is even possible). Don’t worry—your first expense on the app won’t be the app itself, since it is free in the App Store and Google Play.

4. Studious

Free (Google Play)

If you have ever found yourself completely lost at the end of a lecture because your conversation with your BFF or your crush’s Instagram were way more interesting, this app is for you! If you input your class schedule into the app, not only will it keep you focused by silencing your phone during class times, but it can also remind you of upcoming assignments and exams.

“It silences your phone during class times,” says Chelle Ivancic, a sophomore at DePaul University. “It’s nice to have one less thing to worry about!” If you would prefer to have more room on your phone for things like the Kylie Jenner app, then the two-for-one Studious app is your best bet.

5. 30/30

Free (App Store)

With an overpacked schedule and a load of other time commitments, it can seem like you don’t even have an extra 30 minutes to spare in your day. 30/30 makes sure that if you do find that little bit of extra time, you can use it efficiently. The app allows you to set up a list of tasks that need to be completed and add a length of time for each of them. The best part of 30/30 is that it breaks up your day into 30-minute chunks, which are definitely more manageable. It is perfect for scheduling five-minute Buzzfeed breaks in between studying for your upcoming exam.

6. Carrot

$2.99 (App Store)

When you are away at college, you don’t have your mom nagging you (thank goodness!) to get your assignments done or remind you that you have a doctor’s appointment coming up. However, some collegiettes need a little bit of tough love to get things done, and the app Carrot is just the mom away from home that you need to stay on top of things. Known as the “first to-do list with a personality,” Carrot has six different moods that will let you know how pleased, or displeased, she is with your progress on your tasks. As you complete tasks, you will unlock levels and have the chance to get one of over 400 rewards. Carrot provides an engaging, fun way to manage your life.

7. Glow

Free (App Store), Free (Google Play)

When you think of organization, you think of managing academics, extracurricular activities and bank accounts—and often, you forget to manage yourself! Glow makes sure that, in spite of a hectic schedule, you remember to take care of yourself. It functions as a health app and a period tracker. It provides health tips based on data that you enter about your sleeping patterns and stress levels. It will also track your period so that you never have to worry about being surprised again.

“I like that the app acts as both a period tracker and a health app,” says Kerry Moore, a sophomore at the University of South Carolina. “When I see the app it is a reminder that I need to take time to manage health because without it, I think that personal health gets pushed to the side.”

Which of these apps will you use to help you stay organized this semester, collegiettes?

She realizes that her last name is Trusty and does that make her trusty? Yes, yes it does. She cares way more about the goings on of Kylie Jenner, One Direction, and the rest of the celebrity population way more than the average person should. So as opposed to becoming a professional paparazzo, she does this while she studies Broadcast Journalism at the University of South Carolina. You can find her on Instagram @briballerina or @verytrustysource.