On March 28, a TikTok of a girl flipping her ring — known as a Claddagh ring — upside down and crying went absolutely viral. (Like, to the tune of 28.7 million views and 2.5 million likes, as of April 1.) The TikToker who made the video, @canyonmorgs, accompanied the footage with the song, “Lover, You Should’ve Come Over,” and the caption, “The Irish girlies know.”
There were lots of people in the comments who felt the impact of her video and understood the deeper significance of it right away. But plenty of others were unaware of the ring and what it represents, so the meaning behind the video wasn’t universally received, leaving some feeling lost or out of the loop. “I’m Irish but don’t understand,” one commenter wrote. Another said, “I have this tattoo and never knew what it meant.”
But even those who *don’t* know what flipping a Claddagh ring means could still feel the emotions in the video. “Me liking this video as a 5’7 Dominican/Black man without knowing what it means but I feel it,” one commenter wrote. All it took was that single tear devastatingly streaming down her face for the vibes to be understood. But still, it’s always good to get as much of the full story as one possible can, so let’s unpack why this video hits so hard — and what it actually means.
What is a Claddagh ring?
A Claddagh ring is a traditional Irish piece of jewelry. The design of the ring originated in Ireland and according to CladdaghRings.com, its origins can be traced to the small fishing village of Claddagh in Galway, Ireland, during the late 17th or early 18th century.
The Claddagh ring is made up of three different elements that each have their own distinct meanings: love, loyalty, and friendship. The ring is composed of a heart with a crown on top being surrounded by a hand on each side, clasped onto the heart. The heart signifies love, the crown signifies loyalty, and the hands signify friendship.
In addition to the three elements each having a symbolic meaning, the ring as a whole has a symbolic meaning too: Depending on how it’s worn, the ring can indicate the wearer’s relationship status. If the ring is worn on the right ring finger and the heart is facing inward toward the wearer, then that means the wearer is in a relationship. If the ring is worn on the right ring finger facing outward, away from the wearer, then that means the wearer is single. If the ring is worn on the left ring finger and the heart is facing inward, the person wearing it is married. If it’s on the left ring finger and the heart is facing outward, then the person wearing it is engaged.
What does flipping a Claddagh ring mean?
Going back to the original TikTok that sparked this conversation, the person in the video is wearing the ring on her right hand, and flips it upside-down. That’s pretty much saying she was in a relationship, and is flipping it over because they broke up and she is no longer in that relationship. The emotional song she chose for the video, plus the fact that she’s crying, only serves to back up the idea that she’s going through heartbreak. (If you’re interested, the creator seems to be posting updates about how she’s healing from the breakup, in case the original video got you invested and you’d like to follow along!)
So next time you see someone wearing a Claddagh Ring, pay attention to how it’s worn. You might get a glimpse into someone’s love life.