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This Utah GOP Official Thinks Equal Pay is Unfair to Men

James C. Green, vice-chair of the Wasatch County Republican Party in Utah spoke out against equal pay for women – and get this: the logic he used to support his claim is that equal pay is “unfair to men.”

In a letter to the editor published in local news site the Park Record, Green writes that the problem with equal pay is “simple economics.” (Or not.)

“Traditionally men have earned more than women in the workplace because they are considered the primary breadwinners for families,” he says “They need to make enough to support their families and allow the Mother to remain in the home to raise and nurture the children.”

Green concludes his letter arguing that legislators should be encouraged to, “drop the whole notion.” K.

As Elle.com points out, in a country where women are the sole or primary breadwinner in 40 percent of all households, Green’s argument is high-key out of touch and pretty much laughable.

Apparently, Green caught wind that people weren’t too happy with the letter and issued an “apology.”

“I submitted a letter last week which some found offensive,” he began. (Ya think?) “There was no offense intended toward Women, whatsoever. And yet some took it that way. To those who were offended, I profusely apologize. I sincerely did not mean to do that.”

And just in case you were second-guessing yourself, it is in fact 2017, not 1957. 

Caroline is the Evening/Weekend Editor and Style Editor at Her Campus, a senior public relations major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a leather jacket enthusiast.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @c_pirozzolo.