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Thousands Of Voters Were Registered At The March For Our Lives Demonstrations & Midterm Elections Are Gonna Be Lit

The March For Our Lives, which took place this past weekend, was a historic day for students, teachers, parents and people in general all across the United States. One of the most important aspects of the march was registering as many people from across the country as possible to vote. “Voting is the only way to pressure politicians to propose legislation that would meet the movement’s demands, which include universal background checks and bans on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines,” NBC reports that the students at the Washington, D.C. march said.

Because registering to vote and voting are both huge ways to create permanent change, the March for Our Lives students partnered with HeadCount, which is a non-partisan organization that signs people up to vote. According to CNN, HeadCount reported signing up 4,800 new voters across the country at 30 different March for Our Lives events.

It’s super important for young people to get involved and vote. Did you know you can pre-register to do so at 16 and 17 years old?

Voting is one of the best ways to make sure your voice is heard through the political agendas and bullsh*t. If you haven’t already, make sure you’re registered!

Marisa Pieper is a student at Arizona State University studying Communication, Fashion, and Marketing (digital & traditional). She loves to discuss the latest style and beauty trends while also reporting on things that are important to her!