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“You’re never going to believe this.” Does anybody else hear this phrase and immediately turn into a middle schooler at a sleepover all over again? I sure do. Suddenly, I want to know everything — the what, when, where, why, and you mean to tell me they kissed who?! Whether you’re eavesdropping at the family reunion or your BFF just let you in on the wildest secret of all time, there’s nothing like juicy gossip to give you childlike energy all over again. And if you live for some piping hot tea, you’ll love the “No Me Diga” TikTok trend, which is perfect for when you’ve got some to spill. 

The #NoMeDiga trend originates from this epic scene in the movie In The Heights, which is based on the Broadway musical of the same name. The scene takes place in a bustling Washington Heights hair salon — AKA the HQ of neighborhood gossip — and captures the thrill of swapping juicy stories with your closest friends. The song title, “No Me Diga,” roughly translates to “you don’t say” in Spanish, or “no way,” which really translates to “PLEASE say more because I need every single detail…yesterday.” The song is silly, upbeat, and makes the perfect background sound for the “No Me Diga” TikTok trend, which has inspired thousands of TikTokers to document their gossip-filled moments.

I know you have some tea to spill, so here’s how to try the trend for yourself. First, find someone to share your juicy gossip with — a sibling, significant other, your friend group over FaceTime — then, let the storytelling begin. Save the trending audio here, and start your recording at the lyrics “Bueno, you didn’t hear this from me/But a little birdy told me…” Then, make sure the camera is still rolling when you spill the big news and capture your friends’ reactions on camera. The goal is to share real-life gossip that your friends haven’t heard before so they can react in real-time (yeah, we know a rehearsed reaction when we see one!). 

My favorite part of the “No Me Diga” TikTok trend is that you don’t actually have to reveal what the juicy gossip is — the fun lies in shocking others in real-time, capturing it on camera, and leaving your audience wondering WTH you’re talking about. TikTokers are putting their own spin on the trend by gossiping with their coworkers, swapping stories with their hairstylists, and even spilling the tea to their pets who have the cutest reactions ever. If you need some ideas, check out this version from Alyssa McKay (AKA the queen of diss tracks), this sleepover-inspired version, or just search the hashtag #NoMeDiga on TikTok and scroll for endless inspiration (and laughs).

You didn’t hear this from me, but I think the “No Me Diga TikTok Trend is one of the cutest trends to grace the app recently. Plus, In The Heights is having a major moment on TikTok right now — check out this amusing trend inspired by another song from the movie if you want to release your inner theater kid. Regardless, I can’t wait to hear what gossip you’ve got for me. Tell me something I don’t know. 

Tianna was an Associate Editor at Her Campus Media HQ where she covers all things pop culture, entertainment, wellness, and TikTok trends. She graduated from North Carolina State University and received her masters from Columbia University. Tianna currently lives in New York City where you can find her sipping coffee, practicing yoga, and singing show tunes.