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Let’s Talk About The Love Triangle Between Izzy, Johnie, & Stacy On ‘LIB’

Since the premiere of Love Is Blind Season 5, I look forward to screaming at my TV every Friday as I follow the chaotic journey of singles trying to find their forever partners on the hit dating show. Besides its experiment-based formula, where participants dive straight into engagements before even seeing each other face-to-face, what sets this show apart is the fact that there’s so much happening at once. The episodes that dropped on Oct. 6 come with their fair share of piping hot tea and love triangles – one of which resulted in a tense argument. 

In the pods, Chris formed a connection with Johnie, who turned him down because she felt she had more chemistry with Izzy. But despite forming an emotional bond with Johnie, Izzy pursued his sudden connection with Stacy. Meanwhile, Johnie realized the depth of Chris’ love and care for her, so the two of them ended up leaving the experiment as a couple. 

In episode 4, Izzy insinuated that Johnie gave him and Chris different information about where her heart laid. While Chris and Johnie navigated this obstacle smoothly and began to move forward, Izzy and Stacy were still bringing it up as late as episode 8 which caused things to escalate pretty quickly. Warning: Spoilers for Love Is Blind Season 5 follow.

After befriending Chris, Izzy explained why he saw Johnie as two-faced and warned him about her during the Pod Squad gathering in episode 8. As if that wasn’t messy enough, Stacy and Johnie both walked in on this conversation, which caused things to escalate pretty quickly. 

“We were there in the pods to know that you’re full of sh*t. So it coincides with the real world that you’re still full of shit,” Stacy tells Johnie. “I hope you guys are really happy together. I really do.”

Johnie then accuses Stacy of being “deceitful” for not disclosing that Izzy was her strongest connection when they were in the pods. “Johnie what do I owe you? I don’t trust you. Honestly, if you knew it was me, you would have acted completely different with him,” Stacy said. Johnie then said Stacy was actually the one who acted differently with Izzy, which caused Stacy to clap back.

“I have always been the same person and I shed tears for you knowing that you were gonna get rejected. I had empathy for you and that’s why I’m so fired up, is because you’re a sh*t person,” Stacy said. “And I fell bad for shedding a damn tear for you.”

After Izzy and Stacy’s time in Mexico, to me, it seemed Izzy was bringing up Johnie’s name a lot in conversations. TBH, I can’t get behind this. The way he came off as proud to tell Stacy about driving Johnie to tears just rubs me the wrong way. 

In Episode 8, Izzy privately told Stacy that he believed Chris deserved a “good woman,” insinuating that Johnie isn’t. That’s a bit concerning, but Stacy had a badass response: she made it clear that she wants Izzy to love her for herself, not in comparison to an ex. After nearly breaking up, they talked it out and made sure they saw eye to eye again before Stacy met Izzy’s mom (and introduced her adorable dog to her as well). 

While the heated spat about Johnie wasn’t the last bump in the road this couple faced, it surprised me that this is what people in their mid-20s-30s create drama over. All I have to say is… wow. What a rollercoaster. 

Karly Ramnani is a junior at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, studying music industry, with a strong passion for art and journalism. They discovered this amazing community shortly after starting college, and are super stoked to a national writer for Her Campus this semester. Karly worked with Her Campus in Fall 2022 as well, as the Entertainment & Culture Editorial Intern. Other outlets they've written for include All Country News, The Honey Pop, Medium, Newsbreak, and their own startup music blog Playlists & Polaroids. They currently serve as a campus ambassador for Amazon Prime Student and Tinder. When they're not writing blogposts and music reviews, you can find them composing and performing music, putting their nose in a rom-com book, binge watching "The Summer I Turned Pretty," or crying over Taylor Swift.