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Dani Cimorelli Announces Her Divorce From Emmyn Calleiro

It’s sad for me when any celebrity couple breaks up. Even if I don’t know them, I don’t like knowing that anyone is going through heartbreak. It sucks. The celebrity breakups that hit the hardest for me, however, are the ones involving my favorite childhood creators (so you can imagine the wreck I was during the whole Ned Fulmer saga). Now, another one of my childhood faves is going through a breakup.

Remember the band Cimorelli? You know, that group of six sisters that flooded YouTube with their singing videos? Well, one of the members (and my favorite one when I was like, seven), Dani Calleiro (née Cimorelli), recently announced her divorce from her husband Emmyn Calleiro. Her Campus reached out to both Emmyn and Dani’s teams for comment on the breakup, but did not hear back by the time of publication.

While I, and probably a lot of us, haven’t listened to Cimorelli in years, I’m sure you’ve probably seen Dani (or even Emmyn) on your FYP at some point. Since leaving Cimorelli in 2020, Dani has been pursuing her own passions and music career, along with posting on social media. Her husband at the time, Emmyn, rose to fame on TikTok after his song “You Should Get A Job” blew up on the platform. At the time of the song’s release, Emmyn regularly promoted the song using his and Dani’s love story to explain its meaning.


this is all true and to danis mom, i love u

♬ Get A Job – Games We Play

Dani, on the other hand, built a platform for herself on TikTok by filming GRWM videos, vlogs, and other casual and relatable content, many of them featuring Emmyn. So, when Dani canceled her trip to visit Emmyn, who is on tour in Europe, fans knew something was up. Then, on April 10, Dani took to TikTok to announce her divorce.

In her now-unavailable video, Dani explains that she doesn’t want to talk much about the breakup and emphasizes that she and Emmyn will continue to support each other. Additionally, both Dani and Emmyn released a statement on their Instagram stories reading, “Hey guys, we wanted to let you know that we are not together anymore. We still love each other a lot and are still each other’s biggest fans. We are both okay and are still friends ❤️ — Dani and Emmyn”

Since the couple had been married since December 2019, the news came as a shock to many fans. A lot of the internet is still trying to process the breakup.

However, some internet users are pointing out how Dani financially supported Emmyn for several years during his music career — which the two have been open about on social media — so an out-of-the-blue breakup looks a little shady.

Since it seems as though Dani and Emmyn aren’t going to go into more detail about their breakup, I say we just give these two some privacy to sort things out. First Taylor and Joe, now this? I guess uncuffing season is upon us, besties.

julianna (she/her) is an associate editor at her campus where she oversees the wellness vertical and all things sex and relationships, wellness, mental health, astrology, and gen-z. during her undergraduate career at chapman university, julianna's work appeared in as if magazine and taylor magazine. additionally, her work as a screenwriter has been recognized and awarded at film festivals worldwide. when she's not writing burning hot takes and spilling way too much about her personal life online, you can find julianna anywhere books, beers, and bands are.