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A Cool Twist on the Mini-Fridge

As move-in day rapidly approaches (or you’re already there and realizing you’re missing a few essentials) — I have another recommendation to make your living situation better.

Everyone knows a mini-fridge is a college must-have. While that unlimited meal plan might sound like enough, it really isn’t. Sometimes you don’t want to trek all the way to a dining hall only to wind up eating enough to feed a third world country (when you only wanted a snack!) and work on your freshman 15. A mini-fridge is great for holding snacks to tide you over between meals or for late night healthy snacks. Or just to keep your drinks cold!

While most mini-fridges have no real differentiating factors, I have found one that is unique and has a feature perfect for college life: a white board exterior!

Snacks in your dorm room and white boards are fixtures of college life and Haier has combined the two. Haier’s Write Fridge is a small fridge for your dorm that will display signs to your roommate like “if you finish the milk, buy more!” or “please don’t eat my strawberries!” Having that extra sign in front of your fridge to dissuade your hungry roommate from taking the last of your food is worth it. Roommates steal tons of food!

The fridge comes with markets and erasers — which won’t get lost as the fridge has a handy little place to keep the markers. Plus it comes with a mini-freezer and shelves. Perfect to hold anything from a pint of blueberries to a pint of Ben & Jerry’s (for post-midterm stress relief!).

You might be thinking you should spend extra for the micro-fridge…but let me give you some of my seasoned college student wisdom: dorm kitchens have microwaves. They also have fridges but that opens up a whole new set of food-theft issues you’ll want to avoid. Anyway you don’t need a microwave in your room. There are only so many things you need a microwave for like easy mac, popcorn, and reheating leftovers…and frankly, it’d be in your best interes to walk up a flight of stairs before indulging in those. So don’t let the lack of a microwave disuade you! Plus — they’re too big and a pain to bring home or move to storage, unlike this compact fridge.

The fridge is available HERE for $109.99!

Cara Sprunk has been the Managing Editor of Her Campus since fall 2009. She is a 2010 graduate of Cornell University where she majored in American Studies with a concentration in cultural studies. At Cornell Cara served as the Assistant Editor of Red Letter Daze, the weekend supplement to the Cornell Daily Sun where she also wrote for the news and arts section and blogged about pop culture. In her free time Cara enjoys reading, shopping, going to the movies, exploring and writing.