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These Memes About The NYC Earthquake Have Me *Shaking* With Laughter

It takes a lot to make a New Yorker care. Busy streets, hauntingly confident rats, and a healthy dose of attitude will hardly make them bat an eye. But, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake on April 5 left New Yorkers shook — literally and figuratively. After the event, however, the internet took no time making some New York 2024 earthquake memes on X/Twitter. Sorry, I’m cackling.

If you live on the West Coast, earthquakes are just a sweet little reminder of home. A yearly 4.0 on the Richter is just the shake-up we need to remember the preciousness of life. But, on the East Coast, earthquakes are few and far between.

The last sizable earthquake in New York City was during the 1940’s; and, I’m sure the Big Apple handled earthquakes very differently 80 years ago. For instance, the city probably had less sturdy infrastructure and slower emergency response times. But, one difference has made this earthquake entirely unlike its predecessor: Twitter. 

At this point, I shouldn’t even have to do an introduction. Y’all know that folks on Twitter are our most efficient and consistent first-hand news source on the internet. And, they delivered us earthquake content almost as instantaneously as the earthquake itself.  Take a look at the memes that’ll have you quaking with laughter.

Some users had conspiracies about why the earthquake actually happened.

Others were more concerned with how scary and ridiculous the shaking actually was.

But, most users just used this as an opportunity to bring up memes from the archives and laugh off the whole situation.

It was also the perfect time for SATC references.

After reading through all these memes, I don’t know whether to freak out about the apocalypse or rewatch every episode of Real Housewives Of Atlanta. The most likely scenario is both. Being in an earthquake is scary, but we salute the people of New York for making it an experience to laugh about.

Tess is a wellness editorial intern for Her Campus with a passion for covering stories about mental health, culture, relationships, and overall wellness. Tess is currently in her final semester at Chapman University studying broadcast journalism and documentary film. Outside of class, you can find her in a yoga class, on a hike, or watching absurd reality TV.