Hi! My name is Trinity Rogers and I am a Nursing Major at Hampton University. Previous to coming here, I did a two-year Allied-Health program at a vocational school in Monmouth County, New Jersey. I was able to get an introduction to the field of Nursing and do clinical at a local Assisted Living in Shrewsbury. I have been passionate about Nursing for as long as I can remember because the field has many different types of specialties to offer. I genuinely love to help people as well and If I can help make anyone’s life easier by any means, I’ll always try. Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare profession and it takes a village of Nurses to ensure everyone is cared for during their most vulnerable times in any healthcare facility.
Outside of my journey to become a Nurse, I enjoy doing natural hair. I’ve loved natural hair since I was a young girl. Overtime, I’ve become better at doing my own hair like braid-outs and wash n go’s but recently I’ve been washing and styling my friends hair since i’ve been in college. I enjoy working with all curly and coily hair textures to see how it’ll react to different hair products. I’d love to shadow a hair chemist to see the work that goes into curating a new hair product. More than likely if you see me, my hair will either be in a puff, a slick back, or out in a voluminous braid-out !
An important aspect of my life is God. Everyday that I stay true to my faith in God, I experience my life falling into place, according to his will. I was born into a Christian family but I hadn’t really taken it upon myself to get to know God for ME until my senior year of high school. My fellowship with God grows more and more each day as I show thanks and gratitude for all that he’s provided me thus far. I aim to take in the lessons and teachings that are gradually revealed to me. I’m definitely not a perfect person but I am a
God-fearing young woman !
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