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Sophia Laporte

Carleton '27

Sophia Laporte is a member of the Her Campus Carleton chapter. She has a particular interest in covering pop culture subjects from music to film to television, as well as books of all kinds and our ever-changing social culture.

Outside of Her Campus, Sophia is a first year Journalism and Humanities student and representative for Carleton’s Journalism Society. She’s currently trying her hand at writing for more campus newsletters, and graduated from high school with an award for Outstanding Achievement in Contemporary Studies. She has previously been involved with her high school’s fundraising committees, OJEN mock trial, and her riding’s Youth Council. Currently, she works as an educator at Lululemon.

In her free time, Sophia enjoys going out with friends and family, retail therapy, reading heart-shattering fiction, all kinds of creative writing, and listening to Mitski’s entire discography. She has her own small business @medasjewelry on instagram where she sells her own handmade charm jewelry. She loves storytelling in all its forms and can't wait to have enough free time to commit to story-based video games again.