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Kaylie Tan

BU '27

Kaylie Tan is a newly joined member of BU Her Campus’s PR and Marketing Committee. Tan likes to cover topics related to mental health and wellness, more specifically these topics oriented around navigating college life. Other topics of her interest include beauty, fashion, and skincare.

Kaylie is a freshman at Boston University, pursuing a major in psychology with a minor in advertising. Beyond Her Campus, she works on the digital media team at BU’s branch of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). In PRSSA, Tan gains experience among her team members, running the club’s social media on various platforms including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Moreover, she is part of BU’s Mind and Brain Society, a conversational and resourceful network for neuroscience and psychology majors. She has also recently accepted a position as a research laboratory assistant at BU’s Sexual Reproductive, and Mental Health Disparities Program within the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. The laboratory aims to reduce mental health barriers that negatively affect sexual and reproductive health for marginalized communities both domestically and internationally. In high school, Tan was likewise an active member in her community hosting many roles including but not limited to being a tour guide, school newspaper writer, and a residential assistant.

In her free time outside school, Tan enjoys striving for balance through weekly pilates, yoga, and spin classes. She also enjoys being around her close friends and is excited to make more by being a part of such a motivational and passionate platform like Her Campus!