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Kayla Barlow

Howard '25

Kayla Barlow is a content writer for the Howard University Chapter of Her Campus. In this role, she writes articles about news, entertainment, culture, campus life, and a variety of other topics.

Outside of Her Campus, Kayla has written for The Statehouse File and INDYCAR and has had articles published in numerous publications including The City-County Observer. At Howard, Kayla serves as vice president of Voices of Creativity Acceptance and Love, an organization at Howard dedicated to helping students affected by sexual violence by giving them resources and an outlet to express themselves artistically. She also serves as event coordinator of the HowardU Indiana Club. Kayla is also a member of the HU Art Club, Sterling Allen Brown English Society, and the Howard University Association of Black Journalists. She plans to freelance for HU News Service as well. She is currently a junior at Howard University where she majors in English and minors in Journalism.

During her downtime, Kayla enjoys drawing, sketching, and adding to her junk journal wall. She also likes writing poetry, reading, and exploring D.C. with her friends. Kayla loves to watch animated shows while making drawings for friends to unwind. One of her central goals is to spread positivity on campus in all she does