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Hetavii Shah

BU '27

I'm Hetavii, and I am from Mumbai, India. I am a first year Biology major (with specialization in Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology, and Genetics). I completed A-Levels at my high school back home, where I was the Design Head for the Science Club, published some poems in the school magazine, and published an article in the science journal about Stem Cells in Embryos.

Like the two sides of the brain, I have an analytical side, and a creative side. I love math, and physics, and biology, and the logic behind it all, but I also enjoy divulging to my creative instincts. I really enjoy dance, music, and writing poetry, and how they all help me to appreciate the rhythm in all the beautiful things around me. I have also learned that images often have a way of speaking to us in a unique way, and I’m driven to break down the events happening around me, analyze every aspect and connect the miniscule dots to form the bigger picture. Graphic design has proven to be the perfect way to express myself and cultivate and nurture this drive.