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Halima Osman

York U '25

Halima Osman is currently in her third year as an English major at York University. Since late 2022, she’s been a member of the Her Campus York University chapter. Within this diverse community, she’s been contributing as a part-time writer, crafting one article per month. She usually focuses her articles on entertainment and cultural topics, offering a unique perspective on these topics.

Beyond her involvement with Her Campus, she’s taken on the role of a Wattpad Ambassador. As a now full content moderator, she dedicates her time to ensure the platform remains a clean, safe and inclusive space for writers and readers alike. This role not only aligns with her passion for literature but also allows her to contribute actively to an online writing community.

During her free moments, she loves immersing herself in the world of films and TV shows, often sharing her thoughts and opinions on Twitter. She finds herself often sucked into a good romance novel, reveling and finding comfort in these stories. Through her diverse interests, from writing and moderating to consuming media and books, she’s consistently cultivating her passion for storytelling in all its forms.