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Elizabeth Agarunova

U Conn '24

Liz Agarunova is a senior writer and one of the Executive board’s social media chairs at the Her Campus UConn chapter. She enjoys writing about health and wellness, pop culture, fashion, college life, and experiences — but she’s a big fan of trying new things, and enjoys the challenge of taking on new topics & writing styles whenever the opportunity arises.

Outside of Her Campus, Liz studies Political Science and plans to attend law school following the completion of her undergraduate degree in May 2024. Liz has also taken a strong interest in finance after spending the summer working at Lawrence & Memorial Federal Credit Union, finding that financial literacy is increasingly relevant and important knowledge for her generation.

When she isn’t busy doing coursework or writing for Her Campus, Liz enjoys strength training at the gym, testing out new recipes in the kitchen, or kicking back and indulging in the next book on her “TBR” list!