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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

I make my bed every day. 

Actually, that might be an exaggeration. There are definitely days when I am running late and don’t have time or I simply just don’t feel like it. For the sake of honesty, I’ll redefine that statement. I try to make my bed every day.  One might ask why and to that I respond, “I don’t really know.” All I can recognize is that when I come back after a long day of college to a bed that is made, all feels content and organized in my world.  

I am naturally a fairly independent and motivated individual, constantly craving things that allow me to increase my productivity and efficiency.  As a result, I delved into the science behind making one’s bed every day.  Upon analyzing high achieving individuals for the past 25 years, socio-economist Randall Bell, PhD., suggested to CNBC that making your bed every morning sets you in a productive mindset, inspiring other productive undertakings throughout the day. If you begin your morning by making your bed, you’ve already accomplished the first task of your day.   

Potential advantages of making one’s bed every day may include:

  • Calmness
  • Upgraded organization
  • Increased focus
  • Reduced stress

These are mainly anecdotal potentials, as there isn’t much evidence correlating a made bed to these benefits. Yet, there is substantial evidence linking an organized living/work environment to a more focused, goal-oriented, and stress-free mind. A made bed fosters an indication to seize the day at the start and invites you to spend your slumber at the end.  40 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders: sleep hygiene is essential to proper sleep. I can’t help but wonder if those 40 million could benefit from improving their sleep hygiene and making their beds every day.  

As a pro bed maker, I can attest to some potential downsides to making one’s bed every morning. Studies reveal that a made bed breeds germs and bacteria, while an un-made one allows for airflow and sunlight. One may argue that a messy environment allows for creative, imaginative, and artistic growth.  This being said, living the unpredictable collegiate life that I do today, I crave order and routine. Exploring beyond simply just making my bed each morning, I really do wish to implement other positive habits into my life, yet am a bit lost on how to pursue these new practices.  

Perhaps I could tie my new habits to an existing one. One example might be taking my vitamins immediately after making my bed in the morning. I could also consider setting reminders on my phone or completing tasks promptly as they appear in my mind. I can slowly engage in practices by simplifying them, making tasks easily completable and accessible. Forming new habits can be rough and some will arguably be more difficult to form than others. Nevertheless, equipped with the right motivations and intentions, I believe I am capable of forming any new habit I set my mind to.  

Mihika is a third year microbiology student at UC Davis. While she is a STEM major, she loves to reading, writing, and being a member of UC Davis' Her Campus chapter! She also enjoys dancing, watching movies, trying new foods, practicing yoga, and spending time in nature.