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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Down, down, down I sink,

past the worms and the ants and the beetles,

the milky-eyed rodents and fish;

down past the grass’ reaching stalks

and the ancient, tired trees’;

down past the grave of the woman before me,

of her mother and her grandmother

and the other sunken bones of their legacies;

down through the centuries and battles

that no one cares to remember,

through hunching spines and shrinking brains,

teeth sharpening, eyes dulling;

down, down, down I sink,

weighted with spare change and exhaustion,

and when I reach the bottom,

down in the dark before eyes were invented,

finally, finally, I can sink no more.

Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there. Now that you’re here, though, let me introduce myself: I’m Izzy! I’m a Psychology major who spends way too much time imagining stories in my head and not nearly enough writing them down! My interests include baking poorly, hoarding stickers, and petting dogs.