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Making Kanye West a Meme is Dangerous: Here’s Why

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

We’ve all seen the recent headlines about Kanye West, and we should be concerned

If you haven’t been paying close attention, Kanye West, former husband of Kim Kardashian, has had the spotlight for his recent, troubling social media posts after Kim decided to split from him.

 Here’s a breakdown of what happened

  • Kanye recently posted private texts between him and Kim, as well as her new boyfriend, Pete Davidson
  • These texts discussed her concern over his behavior, quoting that he is “creating a dangerous environment” with the things he had been posting, some including apparent threats and jabs at Davidson
  • Kanye was allegedly escorted out of a birthday party for his kids, as he and Kim are, in fact, separated
  • This caused a rant about her “kidnapping his kids,” and other really concerning, “conspiracy” type captions
  • He frequently posts and deletes, but shares personal info about their divorce and private life in a seemingly manic state
  • It should be noted that this isn’t the first time Kanye has gone on a seemingly manic spurt of spilling private information and causing chaos on social media
    • He had previously shared that Kim considered an abortion with one of their children

You would think that considering there are kids involved and these behaviors are beginning to take the form of verbal harassment and borderline abuse, people would be quick to jump to Kim’s support and criticize Kanye. 

This is not what is happening, and this is a problem.

In my opinion, Kim absolutely went through emotional trauma during her relationship with Kanye. He frequently was heard saying absurd things about their marriage, children, and other sensitive subjects out in public, which would lead to either Kim or her mother Kris stepping in to defend Kim. At one point, Kanye was actually hospitalized for fear of his mental health and safety and, having been through a similar situation with family members/mental illness, this is incredibly traumatic for everyone involved.

He has been quoted saying things like, “West was your biggest W,” or “I will get my family back together.” Kanye’s desperate and public attempts at tarnishing others’ images and creating false narratives about Kim are incredibly scary and should be raising more alarms for people that this is scary and manipulative behavior toward Kim. 

Not only should there be more concern for Kim and her family, but concern for Kanye as well, because there is a clear mental health issue at play, and it’s troubling that no one is concerned, including celebrities that are commenting on his posts in support/joking with him. 

I believe that we all tend to look at people like the Kardashians and feel that they are somehow exempt from trauma or emotions. I think that with what is happening regarding their situation, we could all take this as a learning experience. 

Mental health crises can be fueled by social media, and fame only makes it worse. Although someone has to want help, and I am quite sure that help has been offered to Kanye, it’s a shame that the public makes a joke out of his behavior, as this behavior is a clear exhibit of his bipolar disorder/manic episodes: paranoia that everyone is out to get you, fear, anger, pushing close family away, self-sabotage, etc. I have witnessed it first hand, and let me tell you, it is scary for both the person experiencing an episode and for everyone else around them. But here is what we can learn: there is help available, and treatment is always an option. 

Kanye’s situation is a prime example of how mental health crises can snowball into a bad situation pretty quickly without the proper care, and I want to stress the importance of taking these situations seriously, both in your own life and with social media. 

If someone is struggling, take it seriously. Approach them with empathy and compassion, because it is so incredibly scary and they most likely feel that they are spiraling out of control. Get them help, whether counseling or more emergent, medical attention, and ensure their safety. Finally, and most importantly, it is my hope for Kim as well, protect yourself and your energy. You are not responsible for their actions and outcomes. Getting help is a two-way street, and you have to want it for it to work. So do what you can, and step back to protect yourself!

Kanye West has undoubtedly struggled for years with this, and with it resurfacing and him becoming a sort of internet meme from it, I think it’s a great teaching moment for all of us regarding mental health and the true impact that it can have on everyone, and how NOT to approach a situation like Kanye’s. 

Although I can share advice from my own personal experience, I am not an expert. So if you or anyone that you know are experiencing a mental health crisis/struggling with bipolar disorder, here are some helpful hotlines and links for both immediate support and information regarding the disorder and how to help. 

National Suicide prevention Hotline – (800) 273-TALK (8255)
Boys Town National Hotline – (800) 448-3000 text VOICE to 20121
Lauren Smith

Illinois State '24

☆ Sophomore Nursing major at Illinois State University and Harry Styles enthusiast ☆ Follow me on social media : Instagram – @laurenvalerie02