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How to Make A Healthy and Delicious Breakfast Hash!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

If you’re always on the go, and never have time to make breakfast, then this easy and quick recipe is for you.

ingredients: 1 sweet potato, 1 potato, a bag of broccoli/ broccoli head, a packet of bacon.

  1. Heat pan to medium heat (make sure you have a lid for pan).

2. Cut bacon into strips, cut potatoes into bite-size cubes, and cut broccoli into bites sized pieces too.

3. Put as much bacon as you want in your hash into the pan and cook them. 

4. Once the bacon is cooked, add a handful (or however much you want) of each type of potato and broccoli. 

5. Season with whatever you want, but I use a good amount of “Season It All” seasoning and add paprika and mix it around.

6. Add ¼ – ⅓ cup of water to the pan and cover with lid to let steam in order to soften up veggies. 

7. Heat up another pan a little under medium heat.

8. While the hash is softening, put excess ingredients into separate bags and store them in your freezer, so when you are wanting to eat this again it is already prepped!

9. Cook an egg or two however you’d like (I cook them over easy).

10. Once the water is gone, you can take the pan with hash off the stove and add it to the bowl.

11. Add your cooked egg(s) on top.

12. Add hot sauce, ketchup, or whatever condiments on top for extra flavor.Enjoy!

Hi! I'm Madi Smith! I'm a freshman, but with credits, I am a sophomore. I love to workout, meet new people, and make food!