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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Welcome to the Spring semester! Although we are a few weeks into the term, starting off on the right foot is important. Beginning strong will give you the boost to keep the energy up for the rest of the semester. Here are a few tips on how to achieve all your goals and more!

  1. Use a Planner

 I do not know where I would be without my planner. Writing down my daily or weekly tasks and checking them off helps me stay on top of my projects and homework! If having a planner on your laptop works for you– then type it out! All I am trying to say is that keeping a list of your tasks will help you not miss a pesky assignment. 

  1. Pick an Outfit the Night Before

As someone who went to a high school with uniforms, picking a new outfit everyday is a challenge. I spend so much of my morning trying to pick an outfit, and when I am not satisfied, it sets the tone for my day. I have found that spending ten minutes at night picking an outfit for the next day really helps me. So, pick an outfit that makes you feel confident!

  1. Make a Schedule

As college students, we have busy schedules that we need to stay on top of. I have found that mapping out my day with a schedule helps me to organize my time and decreases daily stress. I make time for going to class, the gym, to eat, activities, etc. Keeping to my schedule makes me happier and helps me get the most work done every day. 

  1. Find a Place to Study

For me, studying in a place that is not my room helps me get work done. I enjoy being in a quiet environment where I have nothing to do but my tasks. It is my place to go and feel relaxed. My study zone makes me look forward to doing my best work in a comfortable place. 

  1. Find a Support System

Most students cannot do this alone. Make time for friends, family, and loved ones to celebrate the big and small victories. These people can even help with advice and just support you. This may be the most important tip I can give you. Find your people who lift you up and cheer you on!

I hope these tips help put you on the right path for success this semester. Remember to aim to be the best version of yourself!

Olivia Seaman

St. John's '25

Olivia is a first year Journalism and Film Studies student from PA with a passion for women's rights and pop culture. She hopes to change the world one article at a time!