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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

The holidays are right around the corner and if you’re anything like me you’ve waited till the last minute to do your shopping. But never fret, I’m here with a few of my personal favorites just in case you need a couple of last-minute ideas. 

For the baker in your life, a dash stand mixer on Amazon would be a great choice. It comes in a variety of colors and it’s much cheaper than a KitchenAid. 

For the music aficionado, a Victrola record player is a great way to start off any music lover’s record collection. It also comes in a variety of colors so it appeals to everyone.

For the wannabe architect, my boyfriend is obsessed with Legos so this was definitely at the top of my search. It could also serve as a great hint to a future vacation perhaps. It really is a 2 for one.

And last but certainly not least, here’s a gift for the white elephant party that no one really wants to attend. It’s a tortilla blanket. Simple and funny but also practical cause who could ever have too many blankets.

Victoria Navarro is an Advertising major at the University of Texas at Austin. She loves to spend time with her rescue dog Dusty and you can always catch her with a cup of coffee.