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In The “Okay, Let’s Go” TikTok Trend, Creators Are Over It

The other day, I was getting ready to leave my house when I caught myself quietly whispering, “okaaay, let’s go.” Have I been spending way too much time on TikTok lately? Yes. Trending soundbites have officially infiltrated my psyche, and if you haven’t heard of the “Okay, Let’s Go” TikTok trend yet, maybe it’s time to trade places with me and spend some quality time on the app. The “Okay, Let’s Go” trend is perfect for those relatable, everyday moments when you need to pull yourself together but don’t really want to — whether it’s to leave your dorm, socialize at holiday dinner, or get out of bed after scrolling TikTok for two hours. (Couldn’t be me).  

The trend features this quirky soundbite of a guy saying, “Okaaay, let’s go” in a drawn-out, delightfully nasal tone. After an intense internet investigation, I discovered that the sound comes from a Dutch television show called “man bijt hond” that documents people with extremely specific hobbies. In this case, it appears the hobby in question is a fascination with announcing things into microphones, which the young lad in the video does amusingly well. There’s something about the whole scene that tickles me, and based on the viral trend, it looks like TikTokers agree. The hashtag #LetsGo already has 7.5 billion views on TikTok, and the viral audio has been used in over 12,000 videos to date.

What I love about this viral moment is that the trending audio is literally five seconds long. Similar to the Adam Driver audio in the “Good Soup” trend, “Okay, Let’s Go” is simple, hilarious, effective, and truly all you need to go viral these days. As TikTokers say, the sound has potential, plus, it’s straightforward to use; you don’t have to be a video editor, choreographer, or TikTok expert to replicate it yourself. The audio’s simplicity also means that you can interpret the trend in a variety of ways, and it’s clear TikTokers everywhere are having a blast with it. 

For example, TikToker @_erin.lorraine_ says, “when you finally decide to go inside after sitting in the driveway for 37 minutes” followed by the soundbite, “Okay, let’s go.” TikToker @gabesco is half asleep in the shower but needs to get ready for work, and the same goes for @callmebyyourcarl who is zoned out in the kitchen but should be on her way to the office by now. Like many viral TikTok trends, this one is all about getting creative and poking fun at yourself.

If you listen closely, the beginning of the trending audio features a sound reminiscent of the “seatbelt sign” indicator on an airplane. As a result, many TikTokers are incorporating travel scenarios into the trend. For instance, creator @emjcrackers pokes fun at those people who have to stand up the minute a plane lands, and @theyourstrulyjulie’s version has people debating whether she’s actually sad or crying of laughter at the trending audio. Other TikTokers are capturing moments they visited a famous landmark, only to be terribly underwhelmed and declare, “Okay, let’s go.” Creator @zahra visited The Bean in Chicago, and @yessicaster said “Been there, done that” to the Hollywood sign. For @curtisnewbill, the Eiffel Tower was just “eh,” and Oliver O’Brien was less than impressed with Toronto. Regardless of your interpretation, travel or not, it’s clear that the “Okay, Let’s Go” trend offers lots of room for creativity.

Overall, the trend is ideal for those little moments when you really don’t want to get it together but know you probably should. So, whether you’re hyping yourself up for physics class or giving yourself a pre-Target pep talk (I swear, I’m just going for one thing…), the “Okay, Let’s Go” trend is perfect for you. Save the trending audio here, give it a whirl, and let me know how it goes.

Tianna was an Associate Editor at Her Campus Media HQ where she covers all things pop culture, entertainment, wellness, and TikTok trends. She graduated from North Carolina State University and received her masters from Columbia University. Tianna currently lives in New York City where you can find her sipping coffee, practicing yoga, and singing show tunes.