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Things to do on Halloween as a bored, college student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

It’s October and  that means that Halloween is right around the corner. If you’re anything like me, you probably don’t want to go out and dress up this year. Yes, it’s fun and all, but this year just isn’t the year. I would rather stay in my dorm, eating microwaved smores with one of my roommates. Likely, for the both of us, there’s much better opportunities to do this year than finding a costume and going to a college party (no shame if you do decide to go to one).

Tour a haunted house

I know they may be packed and have long lines on halloween night, but it will be worth it. You’ll be surprised by how many places have a long, haunted history and it can be intriguing. Google some in your area and see if there are any openings for halloween day or night. However, make sure you don’t bring anything spooky back to your dorm…

Watch horror movies 

Ok, I agree it seems like an obvious choice, but it’s still not a bad one. Don’t watch those new scary movies that use jumpscares and loud noises for a cheap scare. Watch the old, classic movies that actually build up to the scare and aren’t predictable. My suggestions are Carrie (1976), The Blair Witch Project (1999) and The Thing (1982). 

Visit an Apple Orchard

It may be Halloween, but it’s still fall. Take a day and go spend a few hours at an Apple Orchard. Get those classic apple cider donuts, pick some fresh apples, and go for a hayride. If you’re lucky, you might find a location that will let you ride on their tractor!

Make baked goods 

Yes, we are in resident halls, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still bake stuff! Look up some cool, spooky recipes on Pinterest or on the general internet, go out and buy the ingredients,  then start baking. If you don’t have an oven, you can still find some recipes that can be made in a microwave and they will taste just as good. 

Hi, my name is Aricka and I'm a sophomore at Emerson College. I write articles ranging from horror and mystery to astrology and crystals. I hope you enjoy my content!