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Why Mercury Retrograde Isn’t Here To Ruin Everything

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Have you been feeling a bit uneasy recently? Have your emotions been a bit all over the place? Are things going unexpectedly wrong?

If your answer is yes, then please keep reading because I’m about to try and give an explanation as to why these things are happening because no, it’s probably not your period (although it also could be) and no, it’s also not because you’re cursed with bad luck. However, it could be Mercury retrograde.

Now before you stop reading because you don’t believe in the planets and horoscopes etc, PLEASE STAY for a few teeny tiny minutes!!

Up until a few weeks ago, I had no idea what Mercury retrograde was. I knew about horoscopes and to be honest, I do love reading about them, but in terms of planets, I had absolutely no clue. It wasn’t until one of my friends started explaining why we’d both been having meltdowns and things going wrong, that I started to do some research into Mercury retrograde.

What is Mercury retrograde?


In simple terms, Mercury retrograde is when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards. Because Mercury is usually associated with communication, when it goes into retrograde, communication is thrown up in the air and goes completely out of our control. Something interesting about 2021 is that this is the THIRD Mercury retrograde, which isn’t actually that surprising considering the number of crazy events which have happened this year *cough* a Coronavirus pandemic.

However, please don’t worry too much because this retrograde only lasts until the 18th of October and began on the 26th of September, so we’re nearly halfway through already.

How might you see the effects of mercury retrograde in your daily life?

Firstly, let’s break down communication. Mercury retrograde affects all types of communication whether they are to do with travel, technology or physical communication with our friends and family. Here are some examples of where you might see Mercury retrograde:

o Technology glitches (remember when Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp crashed for 6 hours?)

o Travel delays (cancelled flights, late trains, or even your car breaking down randomly)

o Miscommunication and misunderstandings in relationships (that argument with your housemate/friend/parent/partner)

o Disorganisation (feeling overwhelmed mentally and making mistakes you wouldn’t usually make)


How to deal with Mercury Retrograde

Now this doesn’t mean that every little thing that happens to you over the next few weeks is completely due to Mercury retrograde. But, after doing my research and reading, I’ve come to the conclusion that even if Mercury retrograde isn’t a thing, it’s actually quite nice to have something else to blame the chaos on other than yourself – it takes a bit of the pressure off.

However, just because you now have something else to blame all your disasters on, it doesn’t mean they disappear and so here are some ways you can deal with them:

o Make an effort to take time away from your phone

o Back up your devices

o Be patient

o Make time for self-care (have a bath, go for a walk, cook a nice meal)

o Be a little more flexible with your time

o Stay present and focus on what you can control

(For more tips: @moonlightenergyhealing)

Positives of Mercury Retrograde

Of course, I wasn’t going to finish my article without telling you about the positives because there definitely are some. While it may seem that Mercury retrograde is a time when everything is out of control and there’s nothing you can do about it, there are still ways to find the positives in a difficult situation. This is your time to hit the reset button both mentally and physically. Be aware of your emotions and thoughts, both positive and negative, and then think about which ones to work on and which ones to simply appreciate.

Here are some Clearer positives of mercury retrograde

o A chance to revisit and reconnect with the past from another perspective

o The return of old opportunities which might now be the right timing

o Rethinking certain relationships and how you feel about them

Final Note

While I’m writing this article, it has recently been World Mental Health Day and the aim of this article is to let you know that you are never alone and that there is so much power behind speaking out when you don’t feel great. I saw a quote this week from Dr Alex George, he said: “Don’t be afraid to start over again, this time, you’re not starting from scratch, you’re starting from experience” and I think it sums up perfectly 1) how we should be approaching Mercury retrograde, and 2) that failure is normal and things don’t always go to plan but that’s what makes us stronger and the person we are today. Don’t let one bad thing ruin the rest of your day, week, month, or life because we all have a comeback inside of us🤍

Rachel Goode

Exeter '22

Third year English student at the University of Exeter