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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

It’s taken up until my last semester of education to really get my study habits down. For years, I was in denial, thinking I could get a cute little coffee date/group going and be the star student. As much as I want that to work for me, I always end up socializing. Yup, unfortunately, I’m that lonely loser who studies by herself. I’ve also realized I have to get out of my space. Even though I’ve made countless little upgrades to my desk space, it’s more for work and play than academia. Even before Zoom University last year, I wasn’t as productive in my room, but junior year really pushed it over the edge. And if we are really getting the right study vibes, I’d like to have a little coffee or tea to sip on and adequate space on a table to spread out.

All that to say, where does music fall into my study habits? I used to think I could listen to any music I was in the mood for and it have no impact. Turns out, if I selected a Broadway soundtrack I’d somehow always end up watching the cast’s Tony performance and subsequently falling down a YouTube hole of musical theatre. I’ve finally learned I need the right mix of words, familiarity, and tempo to have headphones in while studying. Here’s a few of the playlists I’ve found on Spotify that I’ve been rotating:

lofi hip hop music – beats to relax/study to 

Playlist By | Lofi Girl

300 songs | 12 hr 24 min

A daily selection of chill beats – perfect to help you relax & study 

I know of a few good YouTube playlists like this, too. I usually like to do any reading with this one on. If I have lyrics I’ll stop paying attention to what I’m reading, but with no music at all my mind will drift of my text completely. This is definitely playing at a swanky but tired bar also. If you play it, you’ll know what I mean.

lofi hip hop music – beats to relax/study to

Pop Study

Playlist By | Spotify

60 songs | 3 hr 32 min

Pop gems to help you concentrate and stay focused.

This playlist was curated by Spotify, so of course it’s decent. The music definitely caters to a wide group, so I have some likes and dislikes, but it has a good mix of songs I at least recognize and some new ones too. I’ve found some songs I just like in general of this one. Plus, I find I can get through quite a chunk of this playlist if I sit down at my local Panera to finally address my finance homework. 

Pop gems to help you concentrate and stay focused.

studying in an oxford library on a rainy day

Playlist By | Lacey

322 songs | 20 hr 9 min

Or just the ravenclaw common room because they’re just as smart – sorry there’s a lot of taylor swift :/ @lacey.s

I mean the description kinda does this playlist justice. I would definitely want to be studying if it was a rainy day in Oxford. Maybe if the weather was ever not nice in Colorado I wouldn’t feel so guilty about staying inside sometimes. Sheesh.

Or just the ravenclaw common room because they’re just as smart – sorry there’s a lot of taylor swift :/ @lacey.s


Playlist By | meganbmusic22

100 songs | 6 hr 21 min

This one is similar to Spotify’s Pop Study, as it has a good mix of songs I at least recognize and some new ones too. Since this one has a good collection of popular songs, I like to play this one when I’m not necessarily studying but doing work or other tasks. 

Discover Weekly

Playlist By | Spotify (made for maevereilly)

30 songs | Varies

Your weekly mixtape of fresh music. Enjoy new music and deep cuts picked for you. Updates every Monday.

Okay, if I’m desperate, or just feel like I’ve heard the same Hozier song on every playlist, my Discover Weekly usually hits. Probably since I’m generally listening to similar sounding music, I guess that will generate study-esque songs for my personal Discover Weekly. My mom usually listens to my Spotify weekly so you can follow mine too

Your weekly mixtape of fresh music. Enjoy new music and deep cuts picked for you. Updates every Monday.
Maeve Reilly

CU Boulder '21

Maeve is a full-time Events Associate at Her Campus Media. After three amazing years at Her Campus CU Boulder, interning, and being a national writer, she just couldn't get enough HC! She graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder (sko buffs!) in December 2021 with a degree in business.