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How to Spend Valentine’s Day Single

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.


For some, Valentine’s Day is just another Thursday with a fancy name stamped on it. For many, Valentine’s Day AKA Single’s Awareness Day is crashing like a tidal wave into our social lives, leaving nothing but Nicholas Sparks movies, candy wrappers, and tears.

The holiday is one of the most romantic days of the year, if you have someone to spend it with, that is. For single people it can be an awful reminder that we don’t have a paramour or somebody to buy us flowers and chocolate.

Instead of watching other couples be happy from the miserable sidelines, take a breath and tell yourself that it’s okay to be single. Here are a few tips to turn Single’s Awareness Day into Single’s Celebrate Day.


1.    Chocolate is Love

It’s scientifically proven to improve your mood. If you don’t like the heaven-sent candy, fruit is next best option. Something sweet can fill the imaginary hole in your heart and since you’ll probably want to eat your feelings, it might as well be something healthy.  


2.    Don’t Sabotage Your Feelings

If you’re feeling lonely on Valentine’s Day watching The Notebook, Titanic, or anything Nicholas Sparks is probably a bad idea. Try to avoid movies and music you know will start the waterworks or will dig you in a deep hole. Instead of sappy rom-coms watch The Walking Dead or American Horror Story. What’s more romantic than zombies and terror?


3.    No One Cares if You’re Single

If you’re worried about people judging you because you’re single, don’t bother. Everyone else is too busy with their own lives to actually care if you have a boo-bear. The pressure you’re feeling is self-made and silly. It’s okay to be single.


4.    Social Media Can be a Menace

All happy, lovey-dovey couples will be declaring their love for their significant others via Facebook and Twitter. Whether you think those messages are cute or they make you want to puke, your newsfeed will be filled with them. If you get annoyed easily it’s probably best to avoid social media all together.


5.    Don’t Hate, Appreciate

We all have that one friend who’s in a perfectly happy relationship and loves to tell everyone and their dog about it. Be careful you don’t say bitter things that could damage your relationship with your friend. You shouldn’t be spiteful towards someone just because they’re happy.


6.    Have Fun With Your Unhitched friends

Put on your best heels, suit up, and go out with your single friends. Go to dinner at a friend’s house or an expensive restaurant. Surround yourself with people in the same mindset and have a great time.


7.    Be Your Own Not-So-Secret Admirer

Not having someone else’s love shouldn’t stop you from loving yourself. Instead of fretting over no one buying a Valentine’s Day present, buy yourself something. You know what you want better than anyone else. Declare Valentine’s Day a Me-Day and spoil yourself. Be your own Valentine and buy yourself chocolate and flowers. Then do whatever your heart desires.  

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day! 

Hannah is a Journalism and Creative Writing major at Western Michigan University. She has an enormous love for book/TV series like Game of Thrones, Teen Wolf, True Blood, Supernatural, Doctor Who, etc. She writes for two school newspapers, The Western Herald and The White Goat. She's very active, works out a lot, and is in the Theatre for Community Health at WMU. She plans to work for the entertainment industry as a journalist and live in L.A. hannah.r.ball@wmich.edu https://twitter.com/HannahRubyisms
Katie King is a senior at Western Michigan University majoring in journalism and minoring in anthropology and gender and women's studies. This will be her second year writing for HerCampus and before that she wrote for the Western Herald. She also wrote for L7 women's magazine in the summer of 2012. In her spare time Katie likes to hang out with friends, watch reruns of old shows and talk about why Chicago is better than Michigan. When she graduates she hopes to move to New York with her tabby cat, Ellie and write for a fashion magazine. However, she changes her mind quite often so who knows where she will end up!