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5 Ways to Ease the Pain if You’re Feeling the Burn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

We all embark on tropical spring break vacations expecting to become perfectly bronzed goddesses immediately, but unfortunately things don’t always work out according to plan.  Maybe you fell asleep under the sun for too long, or missed a few spots when applying sunscreen; either way you’re looking more like a lobster than the initial tanned image you had in mind.  Not to worry though—once you get through the initial redness and painful burns, your burn will turn to tan and you will come out looking like that goddess you had imagined for yourself.

However, this does not happen overnight and there are some measures that need to be taken to ease the pain and swelling while you’re still in the burn stage.  We have you covered to help you get through that time when you might be regretting ever trying to get that perfect tan. 

1. Drink Water

An easy thing that you should always do after getting sunburn is to drink a lot of water.  It’s important to rehydrate your body and put back some of the fluids that were lost from tanning. 

2.Apply Aloe

Applying Aloe is a well-known remedy for days out in the sun.  Whether it is Aloe gel, lotion, or the actual plant, you should lather up to reduce swelling and redness and ease the burn.  Moisturizing is key so make sure to reapply frequently, especially immediately after showering, and try putting your Aloe in the refrigerator to amp up the cooling effect on your burning skin.

3.Soak in Milk

This remedy was new to me but it works—trust me I tried it!  Try soaking towels in cold milk and applying them to the burned areas.  It helps reduce swelling and soothe the burn.  The fiery sensation will be greatly lessened and you’ll get immediate relief; just make sure to change the towels about every five to ten minutes to keep the cooling powers going.

4.Take Some Kind of Medication

To reduce inflammation and pain, take some kind of aspirin, whether it is Aleve, Advil, or Tylenol (anything you would take for a headache).  This provides instant relief from the pain of the burn and helps take the swelling and redness down.  It has also been said that Vitamins E and C provide sunburn relief, so try taking some vitamins or eating some oranges.

5.Use Green Tea

Green Tea can either be used as compress or placed directly to the affected area to provide immediate relief.  To use it as compress, brew a pot of tea and wait for it to cool before soaking cold towels in it.  Place the towels on the burned skin to help the healing process. Direct skin application is a helpful remedy for sunburned eyes.  If your eyelids are swollen and puffy from the sun, place cold tea bags on them to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Unless you’ve managed to master the art of applying sunscreen, we all suffer from some sort of sunburn at some point.  Use these remedies to provide relief and remember to always moisturize to rehydrate your skin and maintain your tan.  Also, never shave over sunburn because it only causes increased irritation and inflammation; trust me it is not worth it.