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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Carrie Bradshaw was known for many things on the hit show Sex and the City. Her sex column, her unbelievable friends, her excessive shoe collection, her horrible taste in men, and of course, her love of fashion. Though she claims to live for fashion, she doesn’t seem to show it. When looking at her outfit choices, I couldn’t help but wonder…what was she thinking?? Here are some of the worst: 

New Year’s Eve is the time to dress up, but for Carrie it was the time to look like she was playing dress-up. Between the pajama pants, fur coat, sparkly hat, and pearl neckalce, I can’t decide which is the most random. Let’s not forget the impractical heels.. Even thought she was just spending the night with Miranda she could at least look presentable. 

Here she has taken floral to a whole new extreme. It seems “Big” is a trend among her clothes as well as her men. Take it down a notch Carrie – you aren’t a garden. 

Her column has really taken over her life here when she physically dresses herself in a newspaper dress (Where does she even find these things??) Maybe she wore it so she could have something to read if her date got boring. 

Carrie sports the Britney Spears “Hit Me Baby One More Time” tied shirt with a Hawaiian looking skirt. As a final touch, she puts a belt around her stomach for no apparent reason or purpose except to look ridiculous (and to match her ugly skirt).

I’d like to call this look “Boho meets Bat Mitzvah.” Pretty sure I owned this dress in 7th grade. The chunky gold necklace and broach really add to this look’s “wtf” vibe. 

Just your average grocery-shopping outfit! She should bring that grandpa hat down over her face before the fashion police find her or someone thinks she’s a stripper. 

 She really loves that hat. Even when she is dressed like a guy she manages to wear heels. It’s no wonder why Pete tries to run away from her. 

I couldn’t help but wonder… why did she never ask Stanford for fashion advice?

Her Campus at Emory University