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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

When you finally get yourself to get in to a good gym routine there’s not much that’s more encouraging than new gym wear. But obviously we can’t all afford a new gym outfit every time we need a motivation boost, so it’s important to know what to splurge on, and where its totally ok to save the pennies.

Depending on what kind of sport you do there are obviously different items that you can prioritise on, but generally these are the items I would always spend that little bit extra on for the sake of good quality…

1. Sports Bras


No matter what sport you do, a good sports bra is the only way to go. You want something that literally keeps absolutely everything in place no matter how much you’re moving around. A good sports bra is not only a stylish investment but will last you years and years. I’m pretty sure I wear the same three sports bras I bought three years ago almost every day and wash them all the time and they look and feel as good as new.

Shock absorber and Nike are classics while Sweaty Betty offers a more stylish selection.

2. Shoes

A good pair of shoes can absolutely change the way you view sport. Personally as soon as I actually got a good pair of shoes, I started to enjoy running. Unfortunately the more you run the quicker they wear down, and you should make sure that you are wearing shoes where the sole is not completely beaten! Most stores like Nike will measure the way your foot moves when you run and tailor which sort of shoe you should be wearing, so you have the right support where you need it. Personally for me, the brighter the better when if comes to trainers. Most brands have a large variety of styles and colours.

Now to the items you can easily save on and still get great use out of:

1. Tops

While there are some beautiful tops out there, you can get the most out of your workout. Whether you are wearing a five year old t-shirt or a brand new stylish top, there’s not much impact on support. Although, I would always stay clear from materials and colours that don’t go that well with sweat!

2. Leggings

With leggings there are some adorable stylish options out there, and once in a while you definitely need to treat yourself. Most of the time all you really need is a few good old pairs of black leggings and some shorts, which you can literally buy anywhere. Even Primark has a sports section now!

An absolute gem I discovered in Exeter is the sports section at TK Maxx, where they have the best brands for dirt cheap. If you can be bothered it is definitely worth the visit.

Whatever you’re wearing, if you feel comfy and you’re working hard, you’re doing it right!


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