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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

To all my fellow graduating seniors- the end is near. Where has the time gone? I can still remember the awkward icebreakers from freshman orientation like it was yesterday. Now is when you may find yourself hiding, crying, and hoping that time will chill out for 5 seconds. We are graduating, and what a scary thought that is. 

As our final college days approach us, let us take a moment to reminisce: the first day of classes when you didn’t know what the #*$% was going on, every time you were forced to write a 20 page paper and didn’t know this form of torture was legal, the nights you got too damn drunk and vowed to never drink again only to drink a few hours later, wine nights with your girlfriends, intramural dodge ball teams, football games, tailgates…. the list goes on and on.

College is the place where we had our first taste of independence. For many of us, this was the first time we were away from home for an extended period of time. We could finally binge watch Netflix for hours on end without our parents guilt tripping us. We lived in dorms and apartments with friends who felt like family. We didn’t have a curfew to abide by and could decide how our days were to be spent. We learned and grew and laughed and cried and discovered who we are. 

People always say that college is the best four years of our lives. While they were amazing, there is still a lot to look forward to in life. After college is when we enter the real world, but the real world doesn’t have to be a scary place that we should fear. Now is the time to use what we learned, travel, explore, and continue to grow.

College was some of the best years of my life and was truly an experience that I will never forget. And while I know that some of my best days are behind me, I also know that some of my best days are ahead of me, and I can find comfort in that. So while it may be sad to see these days go, be excited that your life is just beginning.

Go forth into the world, make a name for yourself, and get down with your bad self. 

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Rachel Annese

U Mass Amherst

A junior at UMass Amherst who enjoys all things Beyonce, singing in the shower, and spending endless nights watching The Office.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst