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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

September 11 is a day that will always be stained in the history of the United States and its people. The bombing at the World Trade Center ruined many lives, yet many of these affected never had the chance to share their story. This past Friday, Jess Talwar, a young woman from Chicago, sent out a tweet that brought out the voices of individuals across the United States who have since been forced to suffer in silence. 

After Jess’s tweet, others took to Twitter to express the hardships and discrimination they’ve faced.

While many will look back on this torturous day and think of all of the lives lost then, it’s important to remember that more have been lost as a result of mindless discrimination. People are automatically profiled as terrorists due to their race, children have been shamed because of their names, parents have feared for the safety of their children in schools and more. 

September 11 is a day that hurt everyone. So whenever you remember this horrible day, stop to think harder and more deeply. More lives were lost, taken and ruined than just on that one mere documented day in US history.

Photos taken from twitter, were also edited for zoom size.