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8 Tips to Survive the Working Student Crisis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

As a University student, who is mostly broke, having to balance work and school is an inevitable thing. Here are 8 tips to make the transition from the summer sun, to a full time worker/student, a little easier!


  1. Make time to cry, because after working for eight hours and being in school for the same, this kind of thing is going to happen.


2. No matter how much you dislike group projects, refrain from flipping the desk in rage. These are expensive pieces of furniture and it did nothing to you.



3. Remember that your fellow students are probably as close to a mental breakdown as you are, so you can normally comfort each other.



4. Staying up until 2 a.m. is never a good idea. Make sure you get at least four hours sleep, it’ll come in handy while you’re studying in Leddy!



5. Don’t worry, the Wi-Fi doesn’t work for any of us. It never works for any of us.



     6. While you’re at work, try to relax and forget that when you get home you have three exams and a paper to prepare for.



     7. Even though you really want to call in sick for work to get a little extra sleep, remember that you need that money to buy ridiculously expensive textbooks.


8. If all else fails, take a nap and hope for the best!


 As you can tell, none of these are viable options, they are, however, our natural reaction to the stress of school and work. Working part time and balancing a full course load can be difficult, but it’s important to remember THESE tips to getting through the stress:


  1. It’s okay to put your own mental health before your work for the night!
  2. You’re going to make mistakes, don’t beat yourself up for not being perfect the first time around.

  3. There is no shame in asking for help, normally your employer will understand and help balance your hours a little better for you.

  4. As difficult as it may be, do your best to get more than three hours sleep. Eventually this can greatly affect your health, something that will cause greater problems in the future.

  5. Work can be stressful, but don’t take that stress home with you. You are a student and an employee, but you’re your own person first.

  6. Don’t try to be a superhero, if someone asks you to take an extra shift, it’s okay to say no. You are not responsible to take on more than you can handle!

  7. Group projects CAN make you want to flip a desk, but do your best to keep your composure and reason with your group members; chances are they’re dealing with the same problems.

  8. The truth is, sometimes it’s okay to just step back and nap for a bit. We all need some kind of personal time, however you choose to use it is up to you!

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when everything seems to be coming one after the other at you, but it will be okay. As long as you keep your purpose and priorities straight, the rest will come with time. I’ll leave you with the most meaningful thing my manager ever told me, that made me feel comforted in that, I’ll make mistakes but at the end of the day, at least I tried.

“Take a deep breath and relax, the store is still going to be on fire, and people are still going to be waiting; you might as well slow down and get it done right.”