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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

What is Real Beauty?

We’ve all been through those times when all you think of is the negative things in your life, or how everyone else seems to be doing better things than you. In times like these, it’s easy to hate on yourself, your goals, and the dreams you’ve thought of for the future. Breaking away from this thought process is difficult and won’t happen overnight, but I’m here to tell you that it is possible and that you’re a better person than you think you are.  

Some helpful ways to break out of this pattern:

Going out for walk or run to clear your mind.

Go see a new part of Austin to get away from the stress of school (also another great way to clear your mind).

Facetime with a family member if you live far from home

Write out all the things you are thankful for


Sometimes we think we are not successful because we believe we do not meet society’s standards of beauty. However, remember that there are many other everyday things you can appreciate as successes.


For me, Real Beauty means many different things, not just a physical appearance.

Enjoy these scenic landscape pictures with a new way of thinking what beautiful is:

Be yourself, be confident, and love that face that no one else in the world can replace!

University of Texas at Austin Freshman from Ohio