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11 Things My First Semester at Hofstra Taught Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

At the midpoint of my first semester of college, I can sense that I have already developed greatly as a person. Don’t get me wrong, I have great professor who have already impacted my future with lessons taught in their classes. However, I’ve come to realize that some of the most important lessons I’ve learned have been taught in a complete non-classroom environment.

How to get creative with outfits.
Prior to the start of the school year, I visited a palm reader who told me I had a very particular way of dressing, to which I completely agreed. I had specific rules for clothes, like not mixing red and pink and only wearing specific shirts with certain pants. As the weeks have gone on and I’ve come to realize the limited space in my chest of 5 drawers and the fact I can’t constantly have clothes shipped to me, I’ve learned to bring out my inner fashionista and mix things up.  

Learn to “reserve all judgments”
This holds a special place in my heart considering the fact I go to school on Long Island, home of the Great Gatsby. Due to the fact I went random with my housing, I had no idea about the people I’d be living with. As early as move-in night, I learned I moved into a house with people who came from very different lifestyles from me. I quickly realized that if I didn’t start to become more accepting of the way others live, I was going to have a bad time. However, I’ve remained loyal to my standards while expanding my worldview point.

Embarrassment is bound to happen.
No matter how sure you are no one saw that fall you just took, don’t worry, someone did if you haven’t heard slight giggles, it’s probably already on YikYak.

Options are endless.
You don’t have to stay with something if you don’t like it or aren’t comfortable. Nobody is forcing you to stay in activities you loathe. You have hundreds of new activities to join. If something turns out to not be for you, that’s okay! It’s better to know you gave it a shot

Two Words: Portion Control
Brownie sundaes for dinner? Yep, you can do that now! It’s a great time at first but when you’re laying in your bed groaning for 3 hours after eating 6 in one week, you’ll be regretting picking the sweet escape. By all means, go and treat yourself to that sundae, just don’t forget to throw in the occasional ABP turkey club salad, okay?

The Freshman 15 sneaks up on you in mysterious ways.
I can’t vouch for the opinion that the freshman 15 is real.. yet. However, I can’t deny some of it has hit me. That slice of Sbarro’s you ate at 1:30 am because you just had to have it sat in your stomach. The giant Snapple with your “snack”? Yep. The 4 times you decided to “treat yoself” to midnight brownie sundaes at HofUSA because you finished a paper you were procrastinating on? (me) Yes, those rewards really build up on you. Don’t forget to treat yoself with a run every now and then!

You’ll learn to display qualities you didn’t think you could.
Now I don’t think of myself as a shy person, in fact I’m the exact opposite. But when it came to standing my ground, I faltered. However, being thrown into a new living environment causes new situations that wouldn’t happen in your normal home environment. If there was a situation I didn’t agree with at school, I would simply gossip about it with my friends and do nothing to change the situation. Now, I am proactive and strive for my voice to be heard.

You use apps on your phone that you’d never thought you’d touch.
There have been times where I’ve had strokes of genius for essays in the middle of lunch or on the train where I can’t have writing utensils. Notes becomes your saving grace. You can’t help but be curious about how much you’re walking, shazzam, long live the health app. And this might just be me, but I’ve been using News a lot because I’ve missed the comfort of my hometown’s newspaper. (Anyone else??)

Employees are luring you into a trap to make you think you’ll be out quicker with a recently opened register. WRONG!!! You’re only doomed to wait longer for the shopping shuttle an extra hour because that one person in front of you decides to buy the entire store.

How to handle a commute into NYC.
I’m grateful to be just a short train ride from one of the greatest, most complicated cities in the world. Thanks to a few classes, I can master the LIRR like it’s nobody’s business.

A little space from your comfort zone is good for you.
I will forever be a proud native of Philadelphia, but I know the world is bigger than it. I knew I had to go out of state to truly develop. I can’t say I’m homesick, more so have grown more appreciative of my home. Nothing feels better when I’m able to share memories with my friends and family back home. The highlight of my birthday was talking on the phone with my family and eating Tastykakes have never felt so good. I can say I haven’t had as strong a love and appreciation for my family since moving to New York. So whether you’re across the country, a few reasonable hours away, or even 20 minutes away, distance will make the heart grow fonder.