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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Remember that pithy ’90s cartoon about sarcastic teenager Daria Morgendorffer and the trials she faced while traversing high school and the rest of the sick, sad world?

MTV’s “Daria”—which ran for five seasons—was a hilarious, and often honest look at the transition from teen to young adult.

Now, more than a decade after the show’s series finale, Daria’s particular brand of cynicism is still relevant and relatable—not just to high school and college students alike, but any young adult who is still trying to figure it all out.

Take a look as Daria and her friends say what we’re all thinking as they navigate the ins and outs of everyday life.

When someone asks what your goals are…

You don’t know what you want to do, you just know that you want to be happy while doing it.

When your alarm goes off at six in the morning…

Who invented the 8 a.m. and the 9 to 5?

When your job has a dress code…

They wouldn’t make leggings if you weren’t supposed to wear them everywhere.

When your friend tries to tell you about their new diet…

– Part 1

 – Part 2

Please pass the butter.

When you’re broke…

 – Part 1

 – Part 2

 – Part 3

This happens more often than you’d care to admit.

When you’re experiencing FOMO…

Even though you hate clubbing, an invitation would have been nice.

When someone asks for your help with technology…

 – Part 1

 – Part 2

And you just *facepalm*.

When someone tries to talk to you before you’ve had your coffee…

Let’s try this whole “conversation” thing again at noon.

BreeAngela Hamilton is a senior studying print journalism and computer graphics technology at the University of Houston. She is the Managing Editor of Her Campus UH. Her favorite pastimes include watching reruns of Law & Order: SVU and listening to music at a high volume while navigating traffic. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @breeelyse_.
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."