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10 Feelings Brought on by Winter in Alabama

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

1) Confusion

Wait… It is December, right? It’s the start of winter, but it’s spring out? Is this the right planet?


2) Joy

Hey! This weather really isn’t so bad. T-shirts, shorts, hanging around outside? I could get used to a winter like this.


3) Frustration

Mother Nature, pull yourself together. Yesterday was a beautiful 70 degree day, but now you want to send in a cold front and just mess up everything. I’m not ready for this kind of change in my life.


4) Denial

I see that it’s supposed to warm up again this weekend. Maybe hope isn’t lost after all! It’ll probably, actually, seriously be warm still. No, really. The forecast is spot-on and there’s no cold headed here. I’ll be fine wearing shorts to class.


5) Anger

*cue extreme rain, wind and sleet*

K, thanks. 


6) Excitement

After 40 days and 40 nights, we have survived the storm and now gaze upon… a wet, sleet-covered mess. Still better than rain!


7) Hesitation

Can I make outside plans this weekend or is it going to monsoon again? I know the radar says I have nothing to worry about, but Mother Nature is tricky. She’s decieved me before. Sunny and warm now does NOT mean sunny and warm in five minutes.


8) Grief

Oh, look. The weather man said sunny all week and now it’s rainy, cold and miserable. How fantastic. We’re all going to freeze. To death. Now.


9) Suspicion

Yeah, okay. You say “warm weather,” but I hear “cold forever and ever.” I know the games you play, and you aren’t fooling me any more!


10) Deliverance

Spring! Actual, for real, spring! I missed you! 


Spring is coming, ladies. Happy coping!

I'm a chemical engineering major with an intense passion for chemistry puns. I believe words hold more power than people give them credit and should always be used wisely.