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An Open Letter to the Stressed Out Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Dear Overwhelmed,

So you’re freaking out because you procrastinated your ten-page paper again and it’s a couple of days before it’s due. This isn’t the first time you’ve done this, but you also have a ton of other things on your plate. So now the stress is getting to you even more and you’re having one of those weekly mental breakdowns, asking yourself why you did this to yourself again. I’m here to tell you it’s okay that you don’t have everything together!

Walking around campus you see those girls who seem like they have their whole life put together. She has straight A’s, is in five clubs, an RA, works and has an internship. Then you think to yourself that you are just lucky that you woke up on time, only to throw on a baggy T-shirt and a pair of leggings. Which is a completely acceptable outfit for early morning classes (or for any time of the day).

It’s hard balancing everything. You get so caught up in school and a social life that eventually your bedroom and car look like Miley Cyrus took a wrecking ball to it. Balancing a college life can come easy to some girls and harder for others, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not doing the best that you can. I try to remind myself of this often. I am the type of girl who stresses out way more then she should. If I keep doing this I’ll have gray hairs by the time I’m out of college and so will you if you’re the same way. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else! What they’re doing has nothing to do with you! Just do you boo, just do you!

A social life is important in college. You try to have one but sometimes you’re too busy with everything going on between classes, a job, and extra curriculars that you don’t even have time for one. It is okay to go out with your girlfriends don’t feel bad about it. I mean if you have a ten-page paper due the next day it’s probably not the best idea in the world. But you should enjoy time with your friends. College only lasts so long and you deserve to have fun.

You don’t have to be one of those girls who has a “plan.” You have no clue what you’re doing after graduation, your not even sure what homework assignment you have due next. I can say that not having “plan” is not the end of the world. My plan was always to graduate in four years, have a kick-ass job, and get married by the time I’m twenty- seven. My plans; however, have changed. I’m graduating a year later then I thought with a completely different major then what I started with. Sometimes life throws you curve balls. Now I’m learning that it is okay to not make big plans for my future and just take everything day by day.

Just remember it’s okay if you are the girl who doesn’t take extra time in the morning to put on a cute outfit and throw on makeup. You don’t have to be that girl who has it all together. Life would be too boring if it you did. So from one girl to another enjoy every minute of college while you can. Don’t worry that you’re not that straight A’s in five clubs type of girl. Just be you and enjoy college while you can!

Sincerely, Stressed-Out

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UCF Contributor
Maddie is a senior Marketing major at UCF. When she's not writing for Her Campus or her personal blog, you can find her hanging out at Fashion Club or in OSI working on the Mr. and Miss UCF shows. Despite popular belief, Maddie isn't actually the tallest girl in the world. If you're wondering where you've seen her before, it was most likely at a #UCFBusiness event. Maddie enjoys loud pop music, scented candles, and any food with sprinkles on top. She often discusses the SNL cast as if it is a sports team, and likes to pretend that this is endearing. Follow Maddie on Instagram and Twitter!