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Saying Goodbye to the Toxic People in your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Framingham chapter.

Have you ever had people in your life that just suck the life out of you? They are like vampires that can survive the daylight. No worries though because here are some tricks to get rid of them.

1. Who is toxic?

Toxic people are those who seem to only care about themselves in the relationship; they take from you and never give back. It is always about them and no one else. Most importantly you have to force yourself to be around them because they aggravate every fiber of your being. Toxic people are the most negative people. Nothing will ever be good enough for them. Toxic people are time suckers, all they want to do is take your time.You cannot trust them. Friends are meant to be able to disclose everything but if said friend tells your secrets to the world you need to say goodbye.

They will use you. Do you have something that someone else would want? It can be anything from knowing someone ‘cool’, having a car or having some money. It can be hard to know when someone has crossed the line but if you are always giving them a free ride or lending them money and they never pay you back; you are being used.Toxic people can make you feel sick to your stomach.They can make you turn on your self. They complain about everything and never solve their own problems. They burden you with their weight and never help you with your own issues. Nothing is ever their fault it is always everyone else’s and if you are not careful you could also be blamed.

Toxic people know how to push your buttons and they do it all the time.These people will point out your flaws and instead of loving you for them they make you feel awful. For example, I was in a relationship with someone who told me I was fat and would constantly make me exercise and limit what I would eat after a couple years I cut this relationship off but with this article you can get rid of toxic people sooner.

You deserve better than these toxic people. Now that you know who is toxic in your life it is time to say goodbye.

2. Disconnect from them.

Just like when you end a relationship you need to create space. Tell them how you feel; this is the letting them down gently way. In some cases this will work but for extreme cases like in abusive relationships don’t do this alone.     

Set and maintain boundaries. It can people who may remain in your life for instance the coworker who always asks for rides or a dollar for the snack machine. To discourage ‘bad blood’ and keep your work environment as peaceful as possible.

3. Cut it off (extreme).

Sometimes people just don’t get the hints so you need to end it this is when it may get harsh. This is when you and your best friend or a family member you trust will do this with you. In the most extreme of cases (such as someone’s life is threatened) do not do this in person and notify police if the person shows up. In my own experience with an ex I was put into this situation and when they came to my house my mother told them to leave while I dialed the police. YOUR safety is top priority if you are concerned for their mental health let someone close to them know but after the separation it is no longer your responsibility to take care of them. YOU ARE NOT A BAD PERSON.

4. What to do if your family is toxic

You can’t cut your family off completely but you can limit your exposure to them. If they constantly call you either limit the time on the phone with them or turn your phone on certain times of a day. You are your own person and should be respected and allowed to live your own life in extreme cases family therapy may help.

5. Take care of yourself and remember that you are not a bad person!

I am an avid cat lover, aspiring dietition and anime fanatic!A super senior at FSU with a major in dietetics and a minor in psychology and fashion design.
Marissa is a senior psychology major and photography minor at Framingham State University. She is an Academic Success Peer Tutor, SDA in the dorms. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Framingham and a Chapter Advisor. When she is not daydreaming, Marissa enjoys binge-watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Hulu and sleeping.