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Who is Your ‘Hello’ Guy?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

Adele is famous for singing songs that make you want to build a river and fill it up with tears from past relationships. Her song “Hello” has followed the same trend. When that song plays it is pretty much impossible to not cry and reflect on people from your romantic past. It makes you think of what hearts you may have broken along the way and what mistakes you may have made.

Everybody has a “Hello” person so I went around and asked four ladies who their “Hello” person is and what happened with that situation. “His name was Ghost. I met him my junior year of high school. We had this crazy infatuation with each other, but I was still hung up on my ex. I wonder what would had happened if I had given things between us a chance. Sometimes I want to contact him, but I’m sure he doesn’t think about me anymore.”

“My ‘Hello’ person is Brandon. We both lived in Cougar Village during my freshman year of college. We would go to Moody Towers together to eat dinner every night and he would use his swipes  for us both even though I had my own. That was his way of taking me on a date I guess. He was the sweetest person ever, but a few months later I met this football player. He was so muscular and fine. On top of that he had a car and he took me on actual dates besides Moody Towers. So, I stopped talking to Brandon to let things develop with the football player. Well, to make a long story short, the football player ended up cheating on me and I tried to reconnect with Brandon, but he had a girlfriend [at this point]. So every time I hear ‘Hello’ I think of him because I tried calling him, but he had no interest in having me back in his life. I really messed up.”

“I met a guy named Derrick back in high school. He had the biggest crush on me, like he would call and text me all the time. Although he was nice, I didn’t really give him a chance and next thing I knew he had a girlfriend that he was in love with. I felt bad for hurting him and it wasn’t until after that I realized I should have given him a chance.”

“My ‘Hello’ guy is John. Being young you think you know how everything is going to work out, and who you will end up with, but life has a way a surprising you. With him I made some selfish decisions that affected our ability to get close and work on our relationship. When I finally decided that I was ready he had already moved on. I realized that I couldn’t be upset and that I couldn’t expect someone to wait for me. But I do hold on to the hope that if it’s meant to be it will be LOL so fingers crossed.”  

Year: SeniorMajor: Management-Human Resource Management TrackHobbies: the gym, long nights spent reading Pinterest quotes, Gilmore Girls, drinking black coffee, poetry, cooking, bikram yoga, changing my nail color daily, shopping at Trader Joe's, Sprouts & Whole Foods
"Writing means sharing. It's part of the human condition to want to share things - thoughts, ideas, opinions."