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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Sex sells. Period.

But why?

Society adds material value to sex appeal constantly in media and it goes without anyone really noticing because it is such a normal part of our everyday lives. Sex is one of the strongest tactics that is used within media.


Advertisements that are sexually provocative or use explicit content have the ability to reach audiences of all age ranges, socio-economic statuses and intelligence levels.   

Sex appeal is the simple process of telling the consumer that if he or she purchases the product in the advertisement, then that beautiful girl or hot guy will come along with the product. This is obviously not true, but people will buy that product because of the sexually provocative nature that is expressed, despite the fact that they logically know that they are not going to get that beautiful girl or hot guy that is shown in the advertisement when they are purchasing the product.

This persuasive tactic in advertising has been used for more than 100 years and it seems to be here to stay.  It is predicted that sexually provocative advertisements will continue to be used and have the possibility of becoming even more explicit as time goes on because advertisers will continue to try to push the envelope. 

So obviously sex sells, but does that mean that we should be OK with it?  I guess that’s up for you to decide.