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Mid-Semester Pick-Me-Up: Love Those Happy Vibes!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

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The Mid Semester Pick Me Up: Love Those Happy Vibes!! style=’font-size:10.0pt;font-family:”Times New Roman”,serif;color:windowtext’>

Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks time is flying too fast? I feel like my head was in a textbook all October! With the holidays approaching and the academic load becoming heavier and heavier, I myself have moments of discouragement when approaching tasks at hand. Whether that be understanding the material in my classes, or literally just trying to remember where I parked my car in the TCU student parking lot–sometimes I just struggle to get all my chickens in a row! Losing the positive vibes during this happy, fall, holiday season though is just not going to be allowed. These three steps are a designated pick-me-up for anyone who may need a reminder of how AMAZING they are and AWESOME life is.

Step One: Read this quote – I bet it’ll make you smile. (:

“Remember happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” – Roy Goodman

So true, and such a refreshing outlook on life. I think it’s totally normal to become stressed during times when school work feels like an overload, some homesick vibes are creeping in, and the thought of growing up confuses the heck out of your brain. BUT, it is in these moments when positivity is needed the most. So why are these the moments that happiness gets thrown on the back burner? Prioritizing responsibilities and academics is a great thing, yet when it is done with the wrong mindset, productivity can be lost. Feeling like we need to do certain things in order to “earn” a reward can take away the fun that comes along with the journey. How about we all make it a mission to pursue happiness in everything we do; instead of looking at it as something to be attained, let’s all just open our beautiful eyes to see it’s already been given to us.

Step Two: Read these happy facts – I bet they’ll make you smile. (:

– Cows have BFFs and usually hang out with them a lot.

– Canadians eat more donuts than any other country.

– A group of hedgehogs is called a prickle & a group of pugs is called a grumble.

– The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn.

– Reading “suns” upside down still spells out “suns.”

– Fifty million pumpkin pies are eaten at Thanksgiving!

– The marshmallow capital of the world is in Ligonier, Noble County, Indiana

– Snoopy has been the most featured balloon in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

– There is a lake in Western Australia that is literally the color pink. Beautiful!

– Dolphins have names for each other and can also be pink! The pink bottle nose dolphin was actually spotted in Louisiana (my home!!). Some marine biologists believe they are pink because they are albino.

– You are abundantly, abundantly loved by the GOD (and by me) We are all on this crazy life journey together. (:

Step Three: Take a look at these pics – I bet they’ll make you smile. (:

Her Campus TCU Staff!
Hayden is a sophomore business major at Texas Christian University. She is a currently the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus TCU.