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13 Best Leonardo DiCaprio Magazine Covers Ever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

In his 25 year career, Leonardo DiCaprio has starred in a number of leading roles and such has landed himself on a variety of magazine covers. From Elle to Vanity Fair to GQ to Esquire, he’s been on them all and they’ve all been pretty amazing!

We’ve gathered the best magazine covers Leo has been on over the years so it’s time to go through those archives and find copies of these perfect Leo covers!

New York (2013)


GQ Australia (2012)

GQ British (2016)

Esquire (2016)

Vanity Fair (2016)

Rolling Stone (2016)

Rolling Stone (2010)


Time (2016)

Sharp (2010)

Elle France

The City Magazine

Here at HC at WU, we sure do love Leo! 

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.Â