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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

If anyone is the queen of taking L’s it would be me. Whether it is being late to work or botching a test after years of studying. But guess what, I don’t let my many failures determine the fate of my day. I simply view them as learning experiences that I can bounce back from no matter the outcome. So, yes, give yourself time to wallow, but after an hour pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get on with your life.

Yes, you may have taken a major loss, but guess what! You are still the great person you were before all of life’s lemons were thrown your way. As my dad always says when people are at their all-time low, “There is always tomorrow,” meaning you can always redeem yourself within the next 24 hours of life. Think of yourself as the sun: no matter how cloudy it may be, the sun is always there waiting for its time to shine.

Now go be the sun and take those L’s with pride!

  gif courtesy of: http://i.giphy.com/l0HlDb2OLdFz2AQEw.gif



Makenna Dixon-Essien is your average Bay Area native who embraces her inner Martha Stewart, loves animals more than life, and lives in the clouds. She aspires to be the next Jane Goodall or George Schaller because who wouldn't. In her free time. . . just kidding she's pre-vet and has no free time. However, she enjoys spending the majority of her day socailizing, listening to music, and reading. She loves all things oragnic and wastes her summer Saturday's at the farmers market. You will always catch this girl laughing life away, especially when she has good company or a pup to play with. Fell free to leave comments and ask her questions, she is extremely friendly. :)  Follow her on twitter @makennade_ WFU '20 
Wake Forest Chapter of Her Campus