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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

For all my ladies who feel ostracized or outcast because you’re doing things a bit different from your peers, this is for you.

As a woman who’s in college and married at age twenty, I can definitely attest to how it can feel to be the one doing things differently. I’ve had people find out I’m married and have nothing but sweet things to say, but it’s the few who always have a negative bit to say about it are always the ones that seem to stick. So, this is for the ladies who may have to take a semester off or have babies in school or anything like that.  

Remember: Where you are is where it’s at.

There is nowhere else you need to be at this exact moment, except where you are. There’s no sense in allowing yourself to be plagued with resentful thoughts about your current position. Make the decision to change and move on in the morning. Life goes on, sis.

People will project their own fears onto you.

People will tell you to go against certain things you may want to do, if they’re against it because they would be scared to. Don’t allow that to affect you.

What’s for you is for you.

Your life is unique. Not to be mimicked or replicated. Allow your life to be significant to you even if that means leaving the naysayers behind.



Danysha Lamadieu is a 20 something year old blogger, attending Valdosta State University majoring in Theatre Performance. She plans, after graduation, to be a Educational Outreach Director for a theatre on the east coast!
Her Campus at Valdosta State.